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The Top AI Copywriting Services

The power of AI has once again been thrust into the spotlight with the recent launches of several AI artwork generators. Now, the most recent iteration, an AI-powered writing platform, ChatGPT, has everyone speculating yet again. What exactly does an AI-generated writing platform offer? Can AI really write as well as a professional human writer? What sort of content can AI write, and perhaps most important, how much will it cost?

These are important considerations. Right now, AI copywriting services are in the proverbial “honeymoon” phase. These are innovative new tools, and we are all curious to see what they can do and, better still, how they can save us time or money.

The real trick at this stage is determining the true practical value of AI copywriting services. To do that, we need to take a look behind the curtain to discover how AI copywriting services generate content, what level of quality and originality is achievable, and at what cost.

There are also legal implications to consider. AI copywriting programs gather information from pre-existing resources published or posted across the web. Because AI bots are essentially scraping the web and “learning” from all of the viewable content that it discovers, it is possible, if not probable, that they may be drawing from content that the original creator has not given permission to reproduce.

This brings up some fairly complex legal questions that have yet to be definitively adjudicated. For example, the question of who owns a novel idea or statement has been debated since the dawn of the written word. It is generally accepted that credit should be given to the original source of the idea or statement in the form of a direct quotation byline or a reference to the source of the idea included in the contextual content. AI copywriting does not follow these long-standing practices. This robs the reader of the ability to properly fact-check the content by visiting the original source, and it could potentially open the publisher up to a legal challenge if the AI copywriting tool has misrepresented another writer’s ideas as being wholly original content with no credit given to the original source.

These important questions will need to be answered to accurately assess the benefits and potential pitfalls of incorporating AI copywriting services into your content creation toolkit.

We dug deep to learn the ins and outs of the top AI copywriting services to help you determine how or whether this new technology may work for your business or brand content strategy.

If you’re looking for Top AI Copywriting Services check out this list of the top ten companies.


"Creating safe AGI that benefits all of humanity "

Presenting OpenAI’s ChatGPT

To fully understand how AI copywriting works, we have to first understand how it was created. The conversation surrounding AI copywriting starts with Open AI and ChatGPT. Founded in 2015, OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, is the brainchild of Elon Musk of SpaceX and Tesla, and Y Combinator president, Sam Altman. OpenAI was originally developed as a non-profit organization focused on the creation of beneficial AI systems with an emphasis on ensuring ethical use.

In 2019, after investments from Microsoft and others, OpenAI transitioned to become a hybrid capped-profit AI development company and began to concentrate its focus on the advancement of AI natural language learning research. This shift in focus has resulted in the creation of several new generative AI creation tools, DALL-E, InstructGPT, and the most recent addition, ChatGPT. Generative AI refers to the tool's ability to “create” artwork or written content based on the information that is provided by the user.

These generative tools have created a massive buzz, with many wondering if they will come to replace human artists and writers. As of the time of this writing, that is still very unlikely. Let’s dig a bit deeper into the evolution of ChatGPT to better understand the inherent power and limitations of AI content generation tools.

The first iterations of the OpenAI natural language models were built to provide predictive, dialogue-style responses to users' questions. The information used to create the response was garnered from massive databases of web-based information, and the tool relied on predictive text recognition to essentially predict the most likely answer desired by the querent. This entirely computer-based model led to some unexpected consequences. The original model often gave answers that were not entirely truthful or provided harmful or toxic opinion-based information.

OpenAI researchers worked to correct these unintended biases and errors by introducing humans into the AI training loop. The latest iteration of OpenAI’s natural language program is trained and refined using human AI trainers who conduct random sampling reviews to check ChatGPT responses for accuracy and relevance, slowly teaching the program the best responses.

The system is impressive but far from perfect. OpenAI co-founder, Sam Altman, advised in a tweet on launch day that ChatGPT "is incredibly limited, but good enough at some things to create a misleading impression of greatness." It is important to bear this in mind as we begin to look at the broad range of AI copywriting services that have come online in the wake of the ChatGPT release. The majority of AI tools, and all of the tools in our list, rely on ChatGPT to perform their content generation tasks.

Before we dive into the others, let’s take a look at what level of copywriting service you can expect from the original ChatGPT.

Breaking Down the Open AI ChatGPT Process:

At the time of this writing, ChatGPT is still in its early launch phase. The program was launched to the public on November 30th, 2022, with the intent that public use and resulting feedback would assist developers in further refining the tool.

What does this mean to you? This means that ChatGPT is, for all intents and purposes, operating as a beta program with limited capacity at the moment. It is not operating at full scale, and it may be laggy or inaccessible at various times.

Users will need to start with a visit to the official OpenAI website to create a free user account. You will provide your basic info and a working email address to verify your identity. You will then be granted access to the free tool. 

Once you have gained access to the tool, you can begin to generate answers based on queries. The more complex and detailed your query, the more detailed and comprehensive the response produced by ChatGPT. 

It is important to note that ChatGPT was created as a natural language chatbot designed to provide accurate answers to users’ questions on a wide range of topics. The tool was not intended for use as a content generation tool. However, early users have discovered that given the right query, with enough detailed instruction, Chat GPT can be used to generate lengthy articles, blog posts, essays, and other complex written content. 

If using the ChatGPT system to generate complex content, the user must provide an explicit request letting the program know exactly what sort of response they are looking for, including writing style, point of view, and topics and sub-topics to be covered. This process can require a fairly steep learning curve for both the user and the ChatGPT AI system before the tool is able to accurately produce a passable piece of content.

What Makes ChatGPT a Great Choice?

Ask ChatGPT to provide comprehensive responses

As we touched on above, there are very few limitations to the use of ChatGPT at this early stage. Once you have mastered the query process, you can “ask” ChatGPT to provide comprehensive responses in a specific format addressing a range of topics and subtopics. This means that ChatGPT can be used to create articles, blog posts, eBooks, social media posts, marketing materials, emails, essays, and any other written content you may need.

ChatGPT largely relies on a database

That being said, the developers have implemented a few guardrails to restrict ChatGPT from providing responses involving the most controversial or sensitive subjects. Users should also be aware that ChatGPT largely relies on a database of information that does not extend beyond 2021.

You will need to carefully fact-check all of the details

The program can predict or extrapolate information to offer educated guesses about post-2021 events, but this information may not be factual and should not be relied upon as an authoritative resource. This means that any content created by ChatGPT may sound good, but you will need to carefully fact-check all of the details before use to ensure that the information is accurate.

What Does ChatGPT Cost?

ChatGPT is currently free to use throughout the research phase. There are no limits on the length or amount of content that can be produced for free during this period. However, the program is incredibly popular, and users have been testing the limits of the computing power backing the program. This heavy use has led developers to limit the number of users allowed to access the platform at any given time. This means that gaining access to ChatGPT is often a challenge as there is a waiting list of users waiting their turn to use the tool. 

Reasons to Use ChatGPT
●   Currently free to use during the launch period

●   Most competitor platforms are powered by ChatGPT

●   ChatGPT can be used to generate any length and style of content

●   Human AI trainers are used to quality-check ChatGPT responses
Reasons Not to Use ChatGPT:
●   There is often a long wait to access the ChatGPT tool

●   ChatGPT content is not guaranteed to be factual


"Meet Jasper. On-brand AI content wherever you create."

Get to Know Jasper:

Jasper.ai is an AI-powered content idea generator built on the ChatGPT API and designed to help creators and marketing teams overcome their creative writer’s block and scale up their content generation output. The platform promises to assist creative teams by sparking a steady flow of new ideas and helping them to increase their written content creation by 10x or more.

Breaking Down the Jasper.ai Process:

Jasper.ai is designed for busy business marketing teams. The platform focuses on making content creation simple and fast. New users can watch a quick demo video on the Jasper.ai website to get a glimpse at how the process works. When you are ready to join, you will need to select a plan and create a user account. Once you are logged in to your new account, you can select one of Jasper.ai’s many pre-made templates designed to provide you with the ideal format and style for each popular social media platform, from Instagram to Facebook to YouTube, or choose a generic email or blog post template.

From there, you will need to enter your company or brand details and provide a brief description of the topics or messages you would like to cover with your content. You can even choose your tone of voice for your finished content. Jasper.ai can create clever content peppered with cheeky humor, or you can ask it for a business-like, professional tone. Jasper.ai can even mimic the common tone of many well-known celebrities. Of course, as cool as it sounds to have your next email blast or social media post read as if it was penned by a famous personality with a distinctive voice, this again raises the question of whether copying the doing so is ethical or legal, considering the likelihood that the celebrity or personality has never granted permission for their “voice” or “persona” to be used to promote ideas they themselves may not support.

A Google Doc-style document editor allows you to co-create long-form content using the Jasper.ai tool as your personal writing assistant. Use the handy sidebar to provide the tool with brief content requests and incorporate the generated text into your blog post, letter, report, or article. You can use the AI writing tool to kick-start your creativity or have the tool author the entire document.

What Makes Jasper.ai a Great Choice?

AI Powered writing tools

Jasper.ai offers an array of AI-powered writing tools that allow you to generate as much or as little content as you desire.

Create from Templates

Templates allow you to create social media posts, web ads, and other short-form web content.


A document editor will help you create blog posts, articles, emails, letters, case studies, and other long-form content.

What You Get for the Cost

Jasper.ai offers a range of pricing packages with monthly or annual billing. The Jasper.ai Boss Mode package is designed for individual creators and small marketing teams with fewer than 5 team members. Boss Mode pricing grants users access to most Jasper.ai features but places a monthly cap on the word count generated depending on the pricing tier selected. The rates below reflect month-to-month pricing. Users who opt for an annual subscription period can save around 17% by paying for the year upfront.

Boss Mode - Starting from $59 per month

Business - Custom pricing starting from $499 per month

Reasons to Use Jasper.ai
●   Generates content in 25+ Languages

●   Jasper.ai Chrome browser extension lets users generate content anywhere

●   Collaborative tools allow users to create content with other team members around the world

●   A variety of AI-powered writing tools let you blend your own writing with AI insight or inspiration

●   A 5-day free trial allows users to try out the service
Reasons Not to Use Jasper.ai
●   The majority of integrations are billed at ala carte rates

●   The lowest price tier is capped at 50,000 words per month. Typical business content needs will likely quickly exceed this.


"Whatever you want to ask, our chat has the answers"

Presenting Copy.ai

Launched in 2020, Copy.ai bills itself as an AI-content generation tool geared towards aiding marketers and content creators in producing high-quality content fast. Using ChatGPT AI-powered content generation as a foundation, Copy.ai offers a series of easy-to-use tools that help marketing teams and creators generate blog posts, short- and long-form content, captions, social media posts, ads, and more.

Breaking Down the Copy.ai Process:

Copy.ai makes it simple to generate quality content quickly with a four-step AI-content generation process. A series of prompts and fillable forms walk users through the process.

Let’s take a look at the creation of a simple blog post as an example. Users will be prompted to enter a title and keyword, or keywords for their post to help give the tool a launch point to begin compiling your content. The tool will quickly return a basic outline of topics and subtopics for your post. This step gives you a chance to see if the AI-content generation tool is on the right track or if you need to adjust your request. If you are satisfied with the initial outline, then you can move on to the next step.

This is where the ChatGPT-based engine takes over, and Copy.ai will produce a blog post based on the approved outline in a matter of seconds. You can then use the Copy.ai editing tool to tweak the content to reflect your unique voice and style. When you have polished and refined your content to your liking, simply copy and paste the result into whatever tool you are using to publish your content. 

What Makes Copy.ai a Great Choice?

Claim to offer all AI Powered Content

Copy.ai claims to offer all of the top AI-powered content generation tools you need to run a successful business.

Platform focus on top business

The platform focuses on the top business content formats, including social media posts, ads, captions, and other short-form web content, blog posts, and more.

What Does Copy.ai Cost?

Copy.ai offers a range of pricing options to meet any size creative need. The free tier is good for giving the platform a try, but with a cap of 2,000 words per month, it is unlikely to meet the needs of most users. The Pro plan is the most popular option, with a wide range of features to serve most users' needs, and an Enterprise-level option is available for users who require a large-scale content generation option. The prices shown below reflect the monthly billing charges at the time of this writing. There is a discount available for those who are willing to sign an annual contract.

Free - $0

Pro - $49 per month

Enterprise - Custom pricing

Reasons to Use Copy.ai?
●   No credit card required 7-day free trial of the Pro plan

●   Easy-to-use prompts make the content-generation process simple

●  A built-in editor lets you refine the AI-generated content to reflect your unique voice and style
Reasons Not to Use Copy.ai?
● The prompts are fairly simplistic, making it difficult to customize or provide more complex instructions

●   Copy.ai was built for short-form content creation, so generating longer content with the tool is a bit cumbersome


"Choose an AI Module and start now. It's free to try"

Presenting SENSIT.ai:

SENSIT.ai is designed to offer a full spectrum of AI-powered content generation options for brands, individuals, and marketing teams of all sizes. Like the others, the SENSIT.ai platform relies on the ChatGPT 3.0 API for content generation. SENSIT sets itself apart with the sheer variety of tools offered on the platform. The AutoPilot tool generates long-form content complete with HTML tags and headings and requires only minimal input from the user to produce a blog post or article. The CoPilot tool assists human writers in building outlines and generating informative content for long- and short-form content. Long Form Pilot takes it a step further by helping users generate long-form articles with nearly unlimited character counts using basic input provided by the user.

Breaking Down the SENSIT.ai Process:

SENSIT.ai offers several unique content generation modules designed to meet most content generation needs. The AutoPilot tool requires minimal input to create articles up to 1500 words. Simply enter a topic and click generate to receive your article. Users have the option to add a short description and keywords to the content request to generate more specific content, but this input is not required.

The CoPilot tool uses a topic provided by the user to generate sub-topic ideas with short snippets of starter information to help human writers craft articles and posts. All SENSIT.ai tools are designed to produce content with a minimum of input from the user, though more input can be provided for more specific content. 

What Makes SENSIT.ai a Great Choice?

SENSIT.ai can be used for virtually any content generation task. SENSIT.ai offers an array of content-generation modules specifically designed to help users produce different types of content. The AutoPilot tool can be used to generate blog posts and articles up to 1500 words, complete with HTML tags, Titles, and headings. The AutoPilot Answers tool is perfect for creating an FAQ page or informative interview-style content. The CoPilot tool provides an article outline complete with headings and snippets of content ideas for paragraphs to help human writers overcome writer’s block.

SENSIT can be used as an idea generator and research tool, or it can be put to work to create full blog posts, articles, social media posts, and marketing materials from scratch. Users are even able to use video content creation modules to develop scripts and other content for video channels.

What You Get for the Cost

SENSIT.ai offers two basic pricing packages. The AI Assistant package is priced at $19.99 a month and offers a great way to test out the platform. However, the functionality is limited, and users of this package are not able to use the AutoPilot AI-content generation tool. Users will need to subscribe to the AI AutoPilot package at monthly rates starting from $59.70 to gain full access to all that SENSIT.ai has to offer. Fortunately, current subscribers are able to lock in early adopter pricing as SENSIT.ai plans to expand its offerings in the near future.

The prices below reflect the monthly subscription rate at the time of this writing. Users who opt for an annual subscription can save approximately 16% when they pay for one year upfront.

SENSIT AI Assistant - $19.99 per month

SENSIT AI AutoPilot - Starting from $59.70 per month

Reasons to Use SENSIT.ai:
●   Generates content in 23 different languages and translates content into 100 different languages

●   Built-in research tool is designed to help alleviate writer’s block and provide inspiration

● AutoPilot uses up to 6 AI models and seemingly infinite combinations of parameters to generate the highest-quality content

●   SENSIT.ai claims to have several expanded modules and features in development which will expand the capabilities of the platform in the future

●  Subscribers are able to lock in the early adopter pricing
Reasons Not to Use SENSIT.ai:
●   The full functionality of the SENSIT.ai tool can only be achieved with the higher-priced plan

●   Content generation sessions are limited to 30 minutes at the lowest price tier

●   The lowest monthly AutoPilot rate is limited to 30 articles per month. Users who need more content will need to spend considerably more


"A better, 10x faster way to write "

Presenting Rytr:

Rytr first entered the AI content generation market in 2021, making it one of the newest tools on the scene. The team behind Rytr has stated that their overarching vision is the creation of an all-in-one AI-powered writing assistant that is able to seamlessly integrate across the entire writing workflow, taking the place of the multitude of single-function or limited-function writing apps used by creators today. The platform is still in its early stages and does not offer this full-scale functionality at this time.

Currently, Rytr is focused on the creation of short-form marketing-style content generation like blog posts, social media posts, and other web-based content generation activities. Like the others, Rytr uses the ChatGPT 3.0 API to generate unique content based on user input.

Breaking Down the Rytr Process:

Rytr is designed for simplicity and ease of use. Users are able to start generating content in just a few steps by selecting options from drop-down menus and providing basic information.

For example, to generate a simple blog post, the user would first select their desired content language from a drop-down menu. They will then be asked to choose from several tones of voice options, from casual to humorous to professional. From there, simply tell Rytr what type of content you would like to generate using the “Use Case” drop-down menu. There are over 40 use-case options available to choose from. In this example, the user would select the “Blog Idea & Outline” option. Finally, the user will be provided space to enter keywords, key phrases, and/or a title to help steer the AI tool. Simply click “Ryte for me,” and the Rytr tool will take it from there.

What Makes Rytr a Great Choice?

Offers more

Rytr currently offers over 40 basic use cases.

Create any contents

Users can use the platform to create blog posts, emails, creative stories, social media content, SEO-based content, general copywriting, marketing tasks, and more.

How Much Does Rytr Cost?

Rytr is touted as one of the most affordable options in the current pool of AI copywriting services. That being said, Rytr’s capabilities are not as robust as other services, meaning that while users are able to pay less for Rytr services, they may need to pay out for supplementary services from other platforms to generate the full scope of content that they need.

Rytr offers a free tier that allows users to try out the platform by granting limited access to all of the Rytr tools. The free timer is capped at 10,000 characters per month, making it impractical for most serious content generation needs. The Starter plan increases the monthly character cap to at least 100,000 characters per month, which, while more generous, may still be insufficient for those seeking more complex or longer-form content or publishing a variety of different content types across multiple platforms. The highest tier offers unlimited use and is the most practical choice for marketing teams and brands looking for comprehensive business content generation.

The prices shown below represent the current monthly subscription rates at the time of writing. Annual subscribers who are willing to pay for one year of service upfront receive a discounted price that is roughly equivalent to getting two months of monthly service free.

Free Plan - $0

Saver Plan - Starting from $9 per month

Unlimited Plan - Starting from $29 per month

Reasons to Use Rytr:
●   A free plan allows users to try out all of the functions and features of the platform before paying for a subscription

●   Rytr offers the ability to add AI-generated images to written content and all tiers (including the free tier) include an allowance of AI-generated images

●   Rytr is one of the lowest-priced AI copywriting services for those who require only short-form marketing and blog content
Reasons Not to Use Rytr:
●   Rytr does not offer the more complex or long-form writing options that its competitors do

●   Rytr currently offers few integrations (though integrations are planned in the future)

●   The tool was designed for short-form content generation and users report that it tends to repeat phrases and ideas when used to create longer content


"Create SEO-optimized and plagiarism-free content for your blogs, ads, emails, and website 10X faster."

Presenting Writesonic:

Writesonic bills itself as an “AI-powered content automation platform”. The platform was designed to aid businesses and brands in creating top-quality, highly-converting content.

Writesonic was originally launched in 2020 as a tool to help creators produce effective landing page content quickly and effectively. Writesonic was built using the ChatGPT-3 API, and quickly became one of the top AI-assisted landing page creators in the industry. Today, Writesonic has expanded its offerings to include an article writer, blog post creator, and a variety of product descriptions and social media marketing tools to aid businesses, brands, and individuals in creating “awesome” content quickly.

Breaking Down the Writesonic Process:

Writesonic offers a variety of easy-to-use tools and templates designed to help users generate the specific content they need for each end-use case. Let’s take a look at the Writesonic Article Writer 3.0 tool as an example of the Writesonic content creation process.

Step 1: Register & Choose Your Tool
After registering for a free account, or one of Writesonic’s paid options, users can then choose their writing tool from the user dashboard. In this example, we will be using Article Writer 3.0.

Step 2: Enter Topic Information
Simply follow the prompts included in the tool to tell the Writesonic ChatGPT-3 based engine what you would like your article to be about. The tool will ask you for a topic. The more details you provide in this space, the more relevant your results are likely to be.

Step 3: Generate Title Options
Click to generate a selection of title options for your article based on your topic entry. Choose the title that is most relevant. This will serve as the first refinement to help guide the tool through the next steps.

● Step 4: Generate Introduction Options
Once you have selected your title, you will be prompted to choose how many opening paragraph choices you would like the tool to generate. Click generate and the tool will create the desired number of opening paragraph options. Choose your favorite selection. The Writesonic tool will use your selection to determine the overall tone and scope of your article outline in the next step.

● Step #5: Generate Outline Options
The tool will now ask you how many outlines you would like to generate for your article. These outlines will provide you with the H2 headers for your article. You can opt to generate one outline at a time, or generate several and mix & match H2 headers from each to create your ideal article structure. 

● Step #6: Generate Article
Once you have selected your desired title, introduction, and outline, simply click to generate your long-form outline. That’s it. Writesonic will produce an article or blog post according to the details you provided in each of the preceding steps. You can now download your article, fact-check it, and edit to add your own human voice and style, and it is ready to go. 

Pro-Tip: If you already have a good idea of the topics, and scope of your article, and have already prepared a basic outline, you can skip right to step #5 and simply enter your information right into the query box and hit generate to get your completed article. 

What Makes Writesonic a Great Choice?

Automated AI Assiastant

Write sonic was initially designed as an automated, AI-assisted landing page generator, and the tool is still recognized as one of the best landing page generators in the industry.

More Features

However, as of 2021, Writesonic’s feature list has been expanded to include tools that help users write long-form articles and blog posts, product descriptions, emails, social media marketing materials and posts, and more.

Assistance Tools

There are even tools and templates designed for creating specialized content like song lyrics or pros and cons lists if you so desire. Writesonic also offers an array of AI-powered writing assistance tools like a text expander, paraphrase tool, and more to help you fine-tune your own writing.

How Much Does Writesonic Cost?

Writesonic offers a free trial option, and two paid subscriptions to choose from. The package prices below reflect the current rates for those who opt for a monthly subscription plan. Users who opt to pay upfront for an annual subscription can save 33% over the monthly rates shown here. Additionally, students and non-profits can save an extra 30% off the annual rates.

Free Trial - $0

Long-Form Plan - $19 per month

Custom Plan - Custom pricing

Writesonic makes use of a tiered content quality pricing model. This can be a bit tricky to understand for new users. Essentially, users are able to choose their content quality: Premium, Good, Average, or Economy. The lower the quality level, the higher the word count allotment per month. Users are able to mix & match quality levels as they see fit to find the ideal balance of quality and affordability for their unique needs. 

Reasons to Use Writesonic:
●   A wide range of easy-to-use tools and templates can be used to generate long-form content, marketing materials, landing pages, social posts, and much more

●   Flexible tools allow users to provide detailed instructions to generate highly relevant content

●   30% discount off annual rates for students and non-profits

Reasons Not to Use Writesonic:
●   The complicated, multi-tiered pricing model can be difficult to understand

●   Generating multiple output options can use up your monthly word count allotment quickly


"Experience The Power Of Perfectly Optimized Content"

Presenting INK:

INK claims to be the “only AI content marketing suite you’ll ever need”. INK offers several unique features that set it apart from other AI-powered copywriting services. The platform's patented SEO and user engagement optimization makes use of audience research to create content that it promises is highly converting and can optimize your reach by up to 450%.

Compared to other AI-powered copywriting services, INK has been active in the content-generation and content-optimization field for a longer time than most, making them something of an industry old-timer. With 5 years of experience under their belts, INK has worked closely with many of the top marketers in the industry responsible for creating content for major household brand names. INK promises to offer the same high-quality service to every user with a strong and supportive community, easy-to-use content generation tools, and “unlimited” subscription plans.

Breaking Down the Writesonic Process:

INK offers both an AI Assistant for completing short marketing copywriting tasks and an AI document editor style tool for crafting long-form content like articles, blog posts, and more.

Unlike many of the latest AI-powered copywriting tools, INK makes use of the KUPE AI engine to create and refine content, in addition to the now familiar ChatGPT-3 API. This means that INK works just a bit differently than the other tools.

The INK AI Assistant works in a similar fashion as other popular AI copywriting tools. Users simply enter a brief description of their topic or content need and click compose to generate short-form content options. The differences become apparent when refining content or creating long-form content using the INK AI Writer tool. Let’s take a closer look at that process.

Step #1: Select & Open AI Writer Tool
Choose the AI Writer tool from the user dashboard to open a fresh document editing screen. The AI Writer is an online document editor tool with a Google Docs-style interface

● Step #2: Generate Content Within The Editor
Users have several options when it comes to generating content within the editor. Users can use the command box at the base of the page to provide basic instructions similar to the AI Assistant tool. Users can also simply hover over various sections of the written content and click compose or choose from a variety of relevant content creation prompts for each section (i.e. Heading, Introduction, Outline), etc. to have the AI Writer tool automatically generate the most relevant content based on the info provided in previous commands, or content that has already been written.

● Step #3: Refine & Edit Content
More than 130 built-in marketing optimization tools help users refine and edit their content to suit various purposes, and provide plagiarism checks, SEO, and audience-tested conversion optimization.

What Makes INK a Great Choice?

Create content on any topic

INK is an AI copywriting service that promises users the ability to create written content on any topic, for any purpose. INK tools are more free-form and user-directed than other AI copywriting services on our list. This means that what you can create with INK is really up to you.

AI Assistant tool

The INK AI Assistant tool is geared towards creating short-form punchy product descriptions, marketing campaign content, and sales copy. Built-in marketing optimization tools can help you write content using AIDA, PAS, FAB, 4P, BAB, QUEST, and other high-converting marketing formats.

AI Writer tool

The INK AI Writer, allows you to co-create long-form content in a Google Doc-style document editor. The intuitive tool uses NLO to help refine your written content, offer suggestions, or create whole paragraphs or outlines for your next article or blog post. You can use as much or as little AI assistance as you like when writing long-form content in the AI Writer tool.

How Much Does INK Cost?

INK offers two paid subscription options available as both month-to-month or annual plans. The rates below reflect the current monthly billing costs. Users who opt to pay upfront for an annual subscription will receive a discounted rate that equates to roughly two months free when compared to the monthly billing cost.

Both the Professional and Enterprise plan offers new users a 5-day free trial, with no credit card required, to try out the services and ensure they are a good fit for their needs.

Professional Plan - $49 per month

Enterprise Plan - $119 per month

Extra INK credits are available for $40 per 4,000 credits. You can add extra users to your Enterprise account for an additional $33 per user per month.

Reasons to Use INK:
●   An interactive Discord & Facebook community and a library of comprehensive training videos help users get the most out of INK tools and services

●   INK-exclusive Content Shield ensures that content written with INK tools will not be flagged by Google AI detectors or plagiarism checkers

●   5-day, “no credit card required” free trial

●   Patented SEO and user engagement optimization can increase your reach by 450%
Reasons Not to Use INK:
●   The learning curve to get the most out of INK can be steep, however, a “boot camp” library of training materials aims to help users learn the ropes as quickly as possible

●   While the content generation is unlimited in both plans, all other INK tools require INK credits which may increase the price if users exceed their monthly allotment of credits

Hypotenuse AI

"Let AI write your content in seconds. Without writer’s block."

Presenting Hypotenuse:

Hypotenuse is an AI-powered copywriting tool designed to streamline the content generation process by using AI tools to help overcome writer’s block or co-create entire articles, blog posts, and marketing campaigns.

Hypotenuse was primarily designed as a product description and eCommerce marketing content creation tool. The tool still offers advanced features in this realm that are not available through other AI copywriting services. Today, Hypotenuse offers a full range of AI content-generation tools.

Hypotenuse has created its own ChatGPT-3 alternative that operates in a similar manner but offers the advantage of real-time web crawlers. One of the core challenges when using the popular ChatGPT-3 API has been the fact that the tool was trained on databases that do not include information on events that occurred after 2021. By comparison, Hypotenuse’s HypoChat uses current information culled from the web in real time.

Breaking Down the Hypotenuse Process:

Hypotenuse offers a straightforward and simple user interface that guides users through most basic content creation tasks. More complex operations like batch scaling and automated workflows can be accomplished with direct API access or through the use of Shopify, WordPress, and other integrations.

Let’s take a look at the basic content generation process using the Hypotenuse AI Article Writer

Step #1: Generate Title & Topic Ideas
After creating an account, simply open the AI Writer tool and provide a few details to generate several title and topic options for your blog post or article. The user-friendly interface prompts you to provide a brief topic description, SEO keyword(s), a tone of voice, and a point of view (i.e first or third person). You can also add company details, product details, or target audience information to further customize your content. 

● Step #2: Generate Outline & Research
Once you have decided on a title, you can use the tool to generate a comprehensive outline to provide the structure for your article. You can generate multiple outlines and mix and match the results, or enter your own headers and sub-topics to customize your article. Use the built-in Content Detective tool to fact-check and research each section.

● Step #3: Generate Content 
Use your generated outline to generate your AI content one paragraph at a time. You can edit or re-generate each paragraph until you are completely satisfied with the result. The Hypotenuse tool learns from the previously created content to improve the relevancy and quality of each subsequent generation as you progress through your current project and applies that knowledge to future projects as well.

● Step #4: Refine & Expand Content 
Use the Compose feature to expand on existing content, or the content you have created using the AI Writer tool. You can use natural language commands to direct Hypotenuse to find supporting arguments for a particular topic, provide a bulleted detail list, offer a counterpoint to a statement, or any other request you can dream up.

What Makes Hypotenuse a Great Choice?

Create long form content

Hypotenuse can be used to help users generate long-form content like blog posts and articles, or short-form marketing materials including eCommerce product descriptions, ads, social media copy, email marketing campaigns, website content, and more.

Several tools

Hypotenuse also offers several unique tools that can be used to fine-tune your existing content or research your next article or blog post before you start the writing process.

How Much Does Hypotenuse Cost?

Hypotenuse offers three pricing tiers to best match a variety of content generation needs. The pricing below reflects the current monthly billing rates. Those who opt to pay upfront for an annual subscription can receive a discounted rate that equates to approximately two months free when compared to the month-to-month cost.

Starter Plan - $29 per month

Growth Plan - $59 - $109 per month (depending on credit/word count)

Enterprise Plan - Custom pricing

Reasons to Use Hypotenuse:
●   Hypotenuse’s own HypoChat, a Chat GPT alternative can pull data from the internet in real time for more accurate and relevant content

●   Shopify integration allows users to sync product descriptions created with Hypotenuse directly to their Shopify storefront

●   With API access, a batch workflow option allows users to create one draft and scale it to create multiple product descriptions or ads quickly
Reasons Not to Use Hypotenuse:
●   Some of the more advanced tools are only available through API access which can be daunting for less tech-savvy users

●   API access is only available with the Enterprise plan

●   Plagiarism checks are not free on the Starter plan and are only available in a limited number on the Growth plan

Smart Copy

"Instantly write anything with AI"

Presenting Smart Copy By Unbounce:

Smart Copy by Unbounce, formerly known as SnazzyAI, claims to offer users the ability to generate human-quality, scalable content in minutes using AI tools and a wide variety of pre-made templates.

Smart Copy is geared towards helping businesses, startups, and marketing teams create scalable marketing content quickly and easily. Unlike the other AI copywriting services on our list, Smart Copy focuses exclusively on marketing-related content and does not offer creative or long-form content generation. That being said, Smart Copy does offer a blog post ideas generator tool to give you a headstart on creating your long-form content as well.

Breaking Down the Smart Copy Process:

Smart Copy uses a combination of its own proprietary machine learning model built upon the ChatGPT-3 API framework.

Creating marketing content with Smart Copy’s user-friendly tools is simple and easy.

Step #1: Register For A Free or Paid Account
Enter a few details to create your account and get started. There is no credit card required to get started with the free account option. All you need is a valid email address and your basic identification details. 

● Step #2: Provide Product & Company Details
After registration, you will be prompted to get started creating your first project. The tool will automatically open, asking you to choose your project type from a drop-down menu. We chose a blog post for this example. You will then be asked to provide a brief project description (this is where you will tell the tool exactly what you need). You will also be asked to provide product and/or brand details, target audience information, and any relevant keywords.

● Step #3: Choose Your Template/Tool 
After entering your information, you will be redirected to a screen where you can choose from a variety of tools and pre-built template options to generate your content. Choose the AI-powered Writer tool to open the AI-powered free-form content generator. 

● Step#4: Provide Topic Details & Instructions
You will be asked to provide additional project details including the type of content you are looking for (i.e. blog post, product description, social post, etc.), a desired tone of voice, and a brief topic description to create your project.

● Step #5: Use Paragraph Generator Or Templates To Generate Text
At this stage, you will be presented with a blank document editor page. Choose a template or select Paragraph Generator to begin to generate content. You will be prompted to enter a topic description one more time. Click Write For Me to generate two paragraph options relevant to your provided topic prompt. You can continue to change the prompt and generate additional paragraphs to generate more ideas and content.

● Step #6: Edit & Refine Content
Use the basic word processing tools to edit and refine your content right in the document editor. When you are satisfied with the results simply print or copy your content to your browser clipboard.

What Makes Smart Copy a Great Choice?

Creating Business

Smart Copy is primarily geared towards creating business and brand-related marketing copy.

Provide tools and templates

The platform's tools and templates can be used to create Google Ads, brand taglines & slogans, product descriptions, landing page content, social media ads, and other types of short-form content.

How Much Does Smart Copy Cost?

Smart Copy offers one free and two paid subscription options. The prices shown reflect the monthly subscription rates for each plan. Those who opt to pay upfront for an annual plan can receive a discount that equates to getting two months free compared to the month-to-month rates shown below.

Free - $0

Essential Plan - $9 per month (with a limited-time special discount offer, originally $19/mo)

Unlimited Plan - $49 per month

Reasons to Use Smart Copy:
●   No time limit on the free plan

●   Users who only require a small amount of copy each week may be able to get by using the free plan for an extended period of time

●   Those who do not require long-form content may find this a more affordable option than higher-priced services offering more options
Reasons Not to Use Smart Copy:
●   The monthly 40-credit allotment on the free plan is limited to 10 credits per week

●   The document editor is only available as a 3-day trial on the free plan. A paid plan is required to use the document editor after the initial 3-day trial period

●   Many of the content generation steps are redundant and require users to provide the same information multiple times to create a project


"AI Performance Writing Platform For Marketing Results "

Presenting Anyword:

Anyword advertises its AI copywriting service as the “only solution for creating top-performing, on-brand copy at scale”. The platform was launched in 2013 with the goal of incorporating audience data and statistics into the creative marketing process. Today, Anyword uses AI-powered natural language models and data science to help marketers, businesses, brands, and individuals refine and create copy that converts.

Breaking Down the Anyword Process:

Anyword is suited to a broad range of use types, though most tend to be focused on business and marketing-related tasks rather than creative writing pursuits. Anyword has created what it calls data-driven copywriting tools powered by its own proprietary AI API.

The platform offers a selection of AI-powered, user-friendly copywriting tools including a Blog Post Generator, AI Writer, Ad Copy Generator, and more. For this example, we will walk through the process of creating a blog post with the Anyword Blog Post Wizard tool.

Step 1: Register & Choose Your Tool
You will need to register for an Anyword subscription plan and log in to your account. You can then select the appropriate tool to begin your project. In this case, you will select the Blog Post Generator tool.

● Step #2: Provide Your Project Details
You will be prompted to enter a brief description of your desired blog post topic. This is where you will tell the tool exactly what you want to talk about in your post, and/or what your goal is for your writing. You will also be prompted to provide details about your industry to help tailor the results to your unique audience. Additionally, you can also opt to include keywords at this stage to help build your SEO score. You will also be asked to choose a title for your blog at this stage. 

● Step #3: Generate Blog Outline & Headings
The Blog Post Generator will use the information that you provided to generate an outline including a suggested list of headings for your blog post. You can edit this list and add or remove headings until you are satisfied. The tool will also generate an introduction for your blog post at this stage. When you are happy with the intro and outline, click Next to move on.

● Step #4: Generate, Write, & Edit Blog Paragraphs
The Blog Post Generator will now use the headings and outline to start generating your blog post one paragraph at a time. The Blog Post Generator is interactive, and you can re-write, co-write, and edit each paragraph as you progress through the blog to add your own personal human touch. Use as much or as little of the AI-generated text as you choose. Continue working through your blog post until finished, then simply save and use your completed post wherever you like.

What Makes Anyword a Great Choice?

Grow your brand

Anyword AI copywriting services can be used by marketers, business owners, founders, and individuals to create the data-driven copy they need to grow their brand or online following.

Easy tools

Anyword offers a selection of easy-to-use tools that assist users in creating what they ensure will be high-converting landing pages, engaging social media content, product descriptions, email marketing campaigns, blog posts, and more.

How Much Does Anyword Cost?

Anyword offers three pricing tiers to meet various needs. The prices shown below reflect the monthly subscription rates at the time of this writing. Subscribers who choose to pay upfront for an annual subscription can save 17% off the monthly subscription rates.

New subscribers can try out all of the Anyword copywriting tools and features for free with a 7-day free trial.

Starter Plan - $29 - $199 per month (depending on credit/word count)

Data-Driven Plan - $99 - $399 per month (depending on credit/word count)

Professional Plan - Custom pricing

It is important to note, Anyword uses a word credit pricing system. One word credit = one generated word. The monthly subscription price will vary depending on the word credit allotment chosen. 

Reasons to Use Anyword:
●   A 7-day free trial allows new subscribers to try all tools and features with no credit card required

●   Proprietary data-driven tools rate content based on recorded successful marketing responses

●   Generated headlines and introductions come with a Predictive Performance Score that lets users know how their content is likely to perform with their target audience
Reasons Not to Use Anyword:
●   The data analytics that set Anyword apart are only available on the higher-priced subscription plans

●   The pricing can change significantly depending on the number of words generated per month

●   Those who need to generate a large volume of content may find Anyword more expensive than other options

Final Thoughts

The AI-powered creative content generation realm is still relatively new, and the services on our list are certainly the top options in a wide-open field. These platforms are a great way to generate ideas and short-form content. That being said, early adopters should be aware of the inherent limitations of what AI copywriting services can provide. While these tools and the ChatGPT API itself are being constantly refined and developed, at this time, AI is still not able to create written content with the same nuanced personality and consistency of a human writer.

AI-generated content is based on internet knowledge databases updated through 2021. More modern context is not “known” to the AI engine, and all content must be fact-checked for accuracy as the AI tool does not possess the discernment or ability to decipher context clues that a human writer does. This lack of critical selection can, and has led to AI providing written content that is controversial at best, and harmful or radically biased at worst.

As we discussed previously, there are a number of ethical and legal conundrums related to the use of AI to generate written works or imagery. AI works by indiscriminately gathering massive amounts of data from the web. There are few, to no guardrails in place to limit or vet the sources of content that the AI bot is drawing information from. Many of those sources may not be licensed for use, and their original creators may not have given permission for their work to be repurposed in this manner.

Additionally, because AI bots do not properly cite their original sources in the way that a human writer does, it is difficult for the reader to determine the validity of the statements being presented.

At the end of the day, AI copywriting tools are useful time savers and may help to save you a bit of money on your content creation budget, but they should not replace your human copywriting team. If you want to try out AI, you can consider using it alongside the unlimited human copywriting and design services offered by platforms like Flocksy for the ultimate combination of value and quality.