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Flocksy Case Study

Why Julia McDonald

Wishes She Found Flocksy Sooner

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Cool Brand Media

Cool Brand Media is a dynamic full-service agency based in Texas. Their “Lead Cowgirl” and founder, Julia McDonald, has over 2 decades of experience in the TV Station Rodeo Circuit. She started Cool Brand Media about 4 years ago, and since partnering with Flocksy, they’ve taken the Texas marketing world by storm. They offer top-tier advertising, marketing, and public relations solutions for clients locally and nationally. Their specialty is creating tailored and strategic marketing services, including social media management, SEO, and performance tracking. Additionally, Cool Brand Media is HUB certified by the state of Texas, ensuring that they bring diverse and top-quality services to all clients.

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Julia McDonald

Founder of Cool Brand Media

“Flocksy is one of the most brilliant things ever invented for people who are self-starters and want to start their own agency. It comes down to the people. There are probably a thousand Flocksy business models out there, but the people who work for Flocksy make it a superior product, service, and company.”

The Challenge:

“Higher-Quality Content”

Lead Cowgirl, Julia McDonald, is as cool as a cucumber. After working in the TV industry, she decided to branch out and follow her dreams in Texas. Unfortunately, when starting her ad agency Cool Brand Media — she got herself in a pickle when she hired our competition and soon found herself in desperate need of a new unlimited graphic design company. Now, Julia is part of our flock and is “never going anywhere else” since she found her “home” among our team of creatives.

When deciding between Flocksy and our competitors, Julia hired both companies simultaneously. Julia explains,

“I basically put you [both] in a test, and you kicked their butts.”

Our artists at Flocksy “blew the doors off,” so to speak — and since then, it’s been nothing but sunshine and diamond lassos ever since. As a start-up, Julia worried about hiring the “right people,” but soon realized that not only did Flocksy have talent that “knew what they were doing” and who she “didn’t have to train” — but she was also saving a ton of money with our unlimited design subscription.

The Solution:

“A Personal Approach”

Created by Sofia - Illustrator on Cool Brand Media 's Flocksy Team

In the past few months, Flocksy has helped Julia grow her clientele and hire her first few employees thanks to the personalized team we put together and the “creative volume” they help her turn out. According to Julia, Flocksy’s turnaround time is so fast that she is “able to pitch more business.” Her ability to quickly deliver content to her clients and generate templates that help her pitch Cool Brand Media has “been a game changer.”
As a marketing manager, Julia understands how important client relationships can be. That’s why she greatly appreciates her dedicated project manager, Brooke, and her incredible communication skills. She loves how fast Brooke gets back to her with answers to questions and occasionally goes above and beyond with special requests like altering documents to make them easier to manage, saving Julia “tears” and “a lot of frustration.”

“I’m not a big client, but you treat me like I am.
You treat everybody like they’re important.”

The Results:

“A Lifelong Goal Within Reach”

The most emotional moment of our interview came when Julia began speaking about her favorite illustrator Sofia. Sofia Sanchez, our Illustration Team Lead at Flocksy (and the star of our latest Artist Spotlight videos), has helped Julia get closer to her lifelong dream of working with the Texas Department of Agriculture. Julia hadn’t prioritized her business’s website, but after seeing Sofia’s work for her clients, she decided to put herself and her company first. After Sofia took Julia’s childhood memories and made them into beautiful banners and graphics — Julia noticed just how impressed people were with her website.

“[The Department of Agriculture] wants us to do a vendor presentation, and I can guarantee it’s because he got on my website and looked at all the illustrations that Sofia has done.”

For Julia, working with Sofia and seeing her ability to “take all these visions from childhood” and represent them perfectly reconfirmed for her that her partnership with Flocksy is making a big difference. Now, her biggest advice for those starting their own businesses is:
“Don’t hire a creative team, hire Flocksy…There’s no need for anyone searching for a business like this to search anywhere else. They’re just wasting their time. Just go straight to Flocksy because birds of a feather flock together, and Flocksy is amazing.”

Sofia – Illustrator on Cool Brand Media ‘s Flocksy Team

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Created by Sofia - Creator on Cool Brand Media's Flocksy Team
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Diego - Illustrator on Cool Brand Media’s Flocksy Team

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