I’ve been reading about how to grow, reach more potential clients (hopefully through social media, like we’ve been encouraging you), and reach your full business potential.
Someone suggests REBRANDING. What exactly is that though?
Well, rebranding is an excellent way to give your business a new start. A fresh slate, if you must. It is a marketing strategy in which a new name, symbol, design, logo, or some combination of all of those are used to change an already established brand.
So basically you take your company and give it a massive face-lift. Like, a big, big one.
By changing the name, design, etc, you are letting people know that lots of things are changing. People tend to not read information that much, but change your business’ name and I bet they’ll notice!
This is a great way to do a complete turnaround, and many businesses have successfully done it. Harley-Davidson, Pabst Blue Ribbon, McDonald’s, and Target, to name a few. They all sound that they were companies that either were stuck in a rut, considered unhealthy, cheap, and/or had a bad reputation. With a whole lot of vision, some good marketing, and some rebranding they are now some worldwide known businesses.
Introducing a new logo, product, or service is also a perfect time to consider switching things up. What better time to change what you’re all about, company vision, or name as when you have a new product?
So if your company is struggling, consider rebranding, because it may just be for you.