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Flocksy & Finch Webinar 2

Creating Lasting Impressions: What Matters Most in Every Customer Interaction

In the second session of our Creativity Meets eCommerce Strategy webinar series, Finch & Flocksy focused on the art of making every customer interaction count. Industry experts Alex Kennedy, Finch VP of Services, Adrian Brady-Cesana, CxChronicles founder, Charles Ryan, Flocksy COO, and David Pedrozo, Flocksy video and motion graphic artist team lead, explored how compelling visuals and engaging content can turn ordinary touchpoints into memorable experiences that drive loyalty and long-term growth

Our second webinar engaged the audience with practical advice and tips from industry experts. Touchpoints of the customer journey, or moments when prospective customers interact with a brand in any way, were the main topics of the webinar. Some examples of customer journey touchpoints might include a conversation with a customer service representative, reading reviews on a third-party website, or hearing about a brand from a friend or family member.

Kennedy said that optimizing every touchpoint for their business’s specific customer base allows Finch to create a customer journey that resonates at every step. 

Brady-Cesana agreed, adding that not giving enough attention to every area and designating who in your organization owns that touchpoint can lead to confusion and trouble. 

Ryan said brands that subscribe to Flocksy’s services often come to the business for help with making their marketing materials more cohesive. Flocksy’s artists, designers and writers help them tie their disparate brand elements together, he said. 

“It’s definitely a struggle a lot of businesses face,” Ryan said. 

Brady-Cesana said his company helps businesses by crafting maps of their entire customer journey, from consideration to loyalty. It’s a step that initially induces skepticism but ends up pointing out areas where more attention is needed. 

Two things that help companies optimize their customer journeys are getting everyone involved and making sure everyone feels ownership of the process.

Involving others outside of the executive team is crucial, Kennedy said, because just the top-level view isn’t enough to give your company insight into the entire journey.

The webinar’s speakers named creativity, customization and personalization as some of the most important elements to optimization of the customer journey. 

Creativity isn’t about always making avant garde art, Pedrozo said, but figuring out how to make the best possible project for the client. The way we share information with our audience is powerful and can lead to them becoming allies and advocates, he said. 

Webinar moderator Sarah Fitzgerald told a story of a hotel stay where employees took care to know her name and her preferences, leaving her feeling cared for and like royalty. 

Large companies often struggle with providing that level of personalization, Brady-Cesana said. Empowering employees to have access to customers’ names and preferences will help them feel like they have a relationship and a partnership with the brand, he added.

Constant collaboration and communication are necessary for keeping creative and operational efforts aligned, Ryan said. 

Three things to sort out for the greatest success include:

  • Who each employee should go to for what
  • When to contact someone and when to handle it yourself
  • Encourage people to be proactive and address client concerns before they become an issue. 

“At the end of the day it’s just people dealing with people,” Ryan said. “You need to talk to people, collaborate, and touch base with one another.”

Key Takeaways:

Crafting Compelling Visuals & Content: Effective customer interactions begin with captivating visuals and engaging content. We discussed how these elements work together to grab attention, foster connection, and keep customers coming back for more.

Fostering Loyalty Through Key Touchpoints: Every interaction, whether big or small, contributes to the customer’s perception of your brand. We highlighted the importance of prioritizing what matters most at each touchpoint to build lasting loyalty.

Aligning Creativity with Performance: The session also provided practical tips for ensuring that your creative efforts are not just visually appealing, but also aligned with performance goals. By maximizing the impact of your content, you can drive both engagement and results.

This session was designed for eCommerce professionals, marketing leaders, and business owners eager to enhance customer interactions and create experiences that stick. 

Stay tuned for the next webinar in our series as we continue to unlock more insights and strategies for eCommerce success! Sign up here:

About Finch and Flocksy: 

Finch specializes in crafting killer marketing strategies that remove friction from the customer journey, using the right people, the right process, and the right technology. Since 2016, Flocksy has been the most affordable unlimited marketing materials platform, helping brands create high-quality, on-brand content that captivates audiences and drives real results. Together, we empower businesses and agencies to achieve growth by blending expertise, creativity, and seamless collaboration.