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Facebook For Your Business

Right now Facebook is one of the most used social media platforms that businesses are using, and why wouldn’t they? Facebook is a great platform to start with if you want social media platforms to boost your business’ online traffic! If you don’t agree with me that businesses should have at least a Facebook account for their business, then continue reading this post to hear some reasons why businesses need to have a Facebook account. And once you’re done, you can tell me if you still disagree.

Four reasons that Facebook is great for your business:

One: I would say the pretty much the best part of Facebook is the Messages! Why? Because it’s helpful in so many ways. You can answer quick questions such as event times, sales, discounts, and general info. You can also connect with people who could be possible future clients for your business by creating a personal connection.

Two: Unlike Instagram and other social media platforms, Facebook makes it so you can build a community with your page follows. You get to know what your followers like, and their interests. You can better learn what makes them keep wanting to come back again and again. And I’m pretty sure that if you ask any good business person that, they would say the first thing to advertising is to make sure that you are posting content that is relevant to the stats and interactions you see on each post (that’s all made easy by Facebook to track that helpful stuff).

Three: What about the live video? That’s pretty great, isn’t it? Well, we think so, because it can serve so many purposes. Do a new product drop, a short “around the office” or a Q & A time. Customers love to connect with companies online, primarily through social media, and they see behind the scenes.

Four: Facebook gives you the ability to put your business out there and right in front of your future customer’s eyes. You can generate new leads with a simple click of a button. It lets you reach hundreds of potential clients within one touch, no talking, no trying to sell. You simple just write what you have to say and put the photo or video you want and then push publish on it. Then answer any feedback that might come in and interact with your followers.

Interact is the name of the game, right? Yes, interacting with your customers is very important and where to better start than with Facebook? We are in a day and age when formal is out. It’s all about being personal, building connections, and owning your brand. And Facebook offers all that. It gives you a one-on-one that is harder to achieve than with other social platforms, because of the many ways that there are to interact with your customers.

So, if you don’t have a Facebook account for your business, then you need to get one because it will open up a whole new way of getting your business out there and known.

Published by

Sam Ryan

“Sam is an entrepreneur with a strong technical background and a bachelors degree in web development. His personal mantra includes a firm belief in the power of teamwork, the wisdom of taking risks, and that there’s nothing better than bacon. Sam has been a part of the launch of several companies, including Hatchwise, where he is the CTO and all-around guru.”