How will I know when I need a new logo for my business?” Now, that might be the question you’re asking yourself right now and if so, then I might just have the answer for you.
I’m going to give you three tips on how to know if you need to update your business’s logo.
1. Relevant: You might need to get a different logo if people don’t know what you are selling or what service you are offering by looking at your logo. For example, if people walk in and ask you if you’re a salon when you sell electronics then that’s a tip that you MAY just want to try a new logo design. Make sure that your logo is relevant to your business.
2. Outdated: A good logo can stand the test of time, however, that doesn’t mean that sometimes in certain cases, like rebranding, for example, you may want a fresh logo to go with your new business facelift. Also, if your logo is 20 some years old it may just be time to update it a bit. It doesn’t have to necessarily be a new design, maybe just a refresh of the old one.
3. Eye-catching. You want to make sure that your logo is noticed and easy to remember. Some of the best logos are the simplest. Think MacDonald’s and Facebook and you’re on the right track. You also want people to see the logo for your business, and be drawn to it. You want your logo to inspire interest. If people are forgetting your logo, or worse, don’t even know what your logo stands for, it’s about time for a change.
If you’re wondering why you’ve been seeing a lack of clients or a drop in sales. If you find that you maybe need to give your company a quick facelift than maybe it’s time to consider having a new logo designed. Sometimes that’s just the kick you need to get things spruced up and attract some new clientele. Remember, just because it’s familiar doesn’t mean it’s best. That stays true for life, business, AND logos.