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How To Network Like A Pro: An Essential Guide For The Budding Social Butterfly

Are you a creative type? Are you looking to grow your business and your personal network? If so, this blog post is for you. I’ll be sharing my insights on how to be more social and build connections that will help propel your career forward and give you the opportunities that come with it.

It’s not just about meeting new people and shaking their hand. Networking is building relationships with other professionals who can help you grow your business or career in a variety of ways—from introducing you to potential clients to hiring you for a project.

Know Your Niche

The first step when trying to find ways to network as a creative is establishing your niche, that is, what your unique talents and skills are and the audiences that are looking for your expertise. Make sure to take the time to brainstorm. The more specific and distinct your niche is, the better.

Your Professional Profile

Your niche should be reflected in your personal website, online portfolio, and LinkedIn profile. While you may not know exactly who’s looking at these places yet, you can narrow your search by looking for keywords related to your niche in the content on these spaces. What companies in your field are hiring? What opportunities are most desired? What are the differences between your skills and the skill set of others?


When developing your personal network, it’s pays to stay vigilant, especially if you’re a freelancer. It’s important to always be on the look out for new opportunities. There are many things you can do to expand your network and get the chance to meet new people. And while you can never make a connection happen by sheer luck, you can definitely turn luck in your favor by staying open to opportunities and showing up. Being in the right place at the right time can make all the difference in the world.

Ways To Connect

If you’re looking to connect with creative people in your area, here are a few tips on what to do.

Local Meetups

Take the time to visit a local meetup group or conference that caters to your skills and expertise. Meetups allow you to learn new skills in a social and relaxed environment, all while interacting with others in your field. You’ll make valuable connections with other creative people, potential business partners, and can learn skills that will aid your job search in the future.

Once you’ve visited one or more meetups, then start reaching out to people in the area. Reach out to individuals on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Find out about opportunities that are relevant to your area of expertise.

LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn is a great place to start. Look for groups that focus on your specific niche, then join a few. The more people in a group, the more opportunities you’ll have to meet people and make new connections. Be sure to stick to the group’s approved rules and avoid groups that spread fake news or present questionable connections.

Other Professional Networks

Networking groups are similar to meetups in the sense that they allow you to connect with other creative professionals in your area. Unlike the meetups, however, you’ll be interacting with people on a professional level and not just a social level. In addition, consider joining associations, guilds, and even non-for-profit groups in your area.

Blogging is another great way for creatives to make connections with other professionals in the field. Blogs provide a platform for creative individuals to connect with each other and share ideas, thoughts, opinions and more. The blog also provides readers who may be interested in your services an opportunity to learn more about you online, instead of meeting you at a networking event where you’ll be less likely to get quality time alone.

In sum

Some would say that the creative industries are a giant game of “who do you know”. It’s true — you have to make connections. The key word here being “make” as any good networking guru will tell you: it takes work and making a name for yourself can be difficult.

Stay open to the opportunities in your area and field of expertise, and remain willing to foster new connections by developing the skills you will need when they’re called for. The more specific you are about who you are and what you’re looking for, the more likely you’ll be able to find it.

Remember to know your worth. Most creatives start out working for free, for exposure. It’s important to realize that while this is an inevitable part of the journey, there comes a time when you’ll need to be paid for your hard work. You are no different than any other professional, know what deserves compensation and don’t settle with anything less.

Seven Ways To Impress Your Boss

The research is clear: one of the most important aspects to a successful career is building healthy relationships. This is especially true when that relationship is between you and your boss. When you’re not on their good side, it can be difficult to get ahead in your company and secure promotions. But what does impressing your boss actually entail? How do I know if I have a good relationship with my manager? Well, read on! Below are seven proven ways to set yourself up for workplace success.

Challenge Yourself

The most successful people in the world are those who take risks and challenge themselves to do things they never thought possible. Stretching yourself to go above and beyond what is expected of you will make an excellent impression on your boss. When faced with a stack of work, those who are able to complete it in three days instead of seven come across as the most committed employees.

Be Consistent

It cannot be stressed enough how important it is for an employee or a manager to consistently deliver on expectations; if you only occasionally meet your obligations, that will not go unnoticed. The difference between someone who always sees their commitments through and one who does so inconsistently is impossible to ignore, so be sure to show consistency on the job. When you’re constantly delivering the best results with no excuses, your hard work will be noticed by those around you. When this happens it can motivate and inspire others to get on board too.

Carry Yourself With Confidence

No matter what, you should always make sure that you are on top of your game. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by what your coworkers are doing or what the managers have said. When you arrive at work each day, take a moment to take in your surroundings. Think about how you look and feel in your clothes, and make sure you are 100% presentable. Also, try to think positively and don’t focus on what you don’t have. Making an active effort to push negative thoughts out of your head will allow you to stay focused on the tasks at hand and gain greater respect from those around you.

Take Initiative

Initiative is a strong indicator of success. Those who are creative and take initiative tend to be more successful in life. When you finish an assignment, do you wait to be told what will happen next? Or are you the type of person that looks for a new task or problem and fixes it before anyone else can see it themselves? Those who take initiative are constantly looking around their environment – they know where everything is in case something needs tending too.

Solve Problems

There are a thousand things in every organization that need fixing, but the average person won’t make an attempt and then complain about how this job is dumb. Achieving greatness means getting up to fix something when you’re not 100% satisfied with it. If you figure out a difficult problem to fix in your company then people will always remember you for it.

Set The Bar High

A fantastic employee not only performs well and encourages others to do the same, but often does this by their example when no one is looking- an admirable trait that any leader would want in a team member or themselves! They also bring enthusiasm with them every day which can lighten up even the most difficult days at work. A great measure for how successful someone has been at achieving this is if they are able to encourage other people around them while doing the work too. Going out of your way and setting an excellent example just makes things better all around.

Love What You Do

Working with someone who loves what they do and is always enthusiastic can be very exciting. Working alongside a person who does not enjoy their job, but tries to find the good in it anyways because of office politics can feel crushing after awhile. It may be easy to say that you would never let someone like this get the best of you, but it’s an unspeakable truth that we often cannot control who we work with. Maybe it’s time to be your own best advocate and let your employer know what you would like to get done, what you want to learn, and what you would like to change. If you’re not happy with your job then find a position that would do you better.

Your boss might lead many different teams within the organization, which means she needs her employees’ support more than anything: make sure that when faced with tough decisions or difficult situations, you are supporting your boss rather than undermining her authority. You can build a great future for yourself by setting a positive example and demonstrating your value to the company.

The Hunt For The Perfect Remote Job

Hundreds of thousands of people from around the world choose remote work each year. Whether you’re a blogger, a freelancer, or you run your own startup, the underlining motivation behind why we all choose remote work is the same, freedom!

Some of you want to travel the world. Some of you just don’t like being told what to do. Either way, whether you’re considering a remote job or are already a remote worker looking for better opportunities, this guide is for you.

Ready to take remote jobs more seriously? To get you started, here’s a curated list of tools and resources that we think are worth a look:

Prioritize Incentives: The Digital Nomad Lifestyle

Simply put, digital nomads have figured out how to leverage technology to change where they live and work so they can travel indefinitely. The world is their office and country borders are essentially meaningless to them through the ability to work remotely anywhere in the world.

Digital nomads travel for a variety of reasons. Some do it because they need to and others do it for the love of the lifestyle. Some are traveling for work and others are on permanent vacation.

On the positive side, many companies are now willing to support the lifestyle choice of employees who travel. The thought behind it is great: let your employees go while still being able to trust them and retain your key talent.

The negative side, however, is that remote freelancers need particular skillsets to manage themselves efficiently. This is especially true when the work entails constant supervision of incoming opportunities.

In the end, the successful remote worker is a hard worker, generally very dedicated and proficient in self-management. But like anything else, remote workers have to be prepared for the level of discipline their work entails.

How To Find Remote Jobs

Once you’ve put in the work and crafted a resume that showcases your skills and experience, the best way to land remote jobs is to network. Find connections in the community or professional circles that relate to your work and aim to set up casual conversations, whether that’s in person, over the phone, or on social media.

While networking is definitely key, a number of remote job sites and channels also exist to connect people who have the skills you’re looking to fill, such as UpWork and

One of the most important components to building a career and being happy is also making sure you are happy with where you are. This might mean moving to a different country for a work opportunity. This might mean switching from a role you hate to one you love. This might mean going back to school.

Build Your Online Network

When you quit your job to become a remote worker, one of the things that you might want to consider is building up your online network.

Having a strong online network is beneficial when you’re looking for your next job. But it’s also a great tool for staying in touch with your friends and family — it gives them something to keep in touch with when you’re gone for a few weeks.

Landing The Job

Once you’ve found your dream remote job, you still need to figure out how to convince your boss to give you the opportunity.

First, look for remote opportunities that offer a reasonable salary—and one that’s not too far removed from what you’re making at your “traditional” job.

When you’re talking about your first remote gig, don’t expect your initial income to reflect the entirety of the pay grade. Especially if you’re new to the workforce and moving from school or are an entry-level worker. Opportunities will arise for bringing added value to your work. You can count on these opportunities to flow in and, in staying vigilant, make the most of them.

Next, make sure that the remote role you’re applying for is one that you feel you would be good at. This can make it a lot easier for employers to offer you the opportunity. Show them that you’re willing to give it 100% of your time, even if it means staying up until 3 am doing an assignment.

You have to make it known that you’re going to be 100% committed to the role—and that you’re not just doing it because you don’t want to come into the office.

And finally, figure out what makes you stand out as a candidate when you’re trying to land a remote role. Do this by adding relevant skills or experience to your resume and introducing yourself in a way that makes you difficult to forget.

It may mean posting in communities, or it may mean making an effort to speak up at networking events. Take that extra step and make sure you show up and show your worth.

And when all else fails? Know how to make a good impression. When you’re presenting yourself and your message, [it should be], ‘You will be hard-pressed not to hire me because I will rock your socks off and you will want to keep me forever.’

But don’t go overboard. Just make it clear that you will offer something unique that they can’t find anywhere else.

Things To Consider Before You Quit Your Job

Before you quit your job to become a full-time remote worker, make sure that you think through some things. Here are three tips that will help you when thinking through your career options.

Consider your lifestyle. Are you willing to give up that security, or are you willing to give up some things in order to give yourself more freedom? If you’re working on something that you’re passionate about, you might be willing to make sacrifices to get there, but don’t think about what’s going to happen to your social life.

See if you can fit your current lifestyle into your new job. Will you be able to maintain your current daily routine? If not, maybe that’s a risk you shouldn’t take. Do you need to save up for that vacation? Can you stretch your savings out in advance? Start planning now. How much time do you want to be away from your job?

Will you be able to work full-time? Are you willing to sacrifice some of your time? Plan for those times. Don’t burn your bridges — it will be hard to get those skills back when you’re ready to return to a traditional job.

The Takeaway

Whether you’re looking for your first remote job, or you’re hoping to make the jump into a full-time remote job, it can be a daunting and uncomfortable task.

While not every option is going to appeal to you, the possibilities are endless.

Think about the type of work you do for a living, and what part of the job is the most enjoyable. Then, look at what remote opportunities are out there.

And remember that even if it takes a little while to find a remote job, your diligence will be worth it in the end.