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What Are Motion Graphics, And Are They Different From Animation?

Distinguishing motion graphics from animation can be a challenge. Some clients are unsure which one is suitable for their business needs because they think of these terms interchangeably.

So, to try to clear things up, with this post, we’ll compare and explain motion graphics and animations.

To put it simply, motion graphics are actually a form of animation, but not what people generally think of when talking about animation they are familiar with. To most people animation is Sunday morning cartoons, Disney movies, or Pixar films.

Motion Graphics are not quite the same as those types of examples, so the best thing to start with, is to consider animation as a genre and motion graphics as a subgenre.

What Is Animation?

Animation is a broad concept that covers a variety of things. By definition, animation is a technique that creates the illusion of movement by sequentially playing images that appear to flow smoothly like a video. There are five distinct animation styles.

  1. Traditional Animation.

During the analogue era, animations were created frame by frame on paper. Each drawing was transferred chronologically to celluloid to be photographed and converted to film.

  1. Stop Motion.

Also referred to as stop frame animation, this is a technique for capturing animation frame by frame. However, unlike traditional animation, it is created by photographing physical objects/characters rather than drawing them and repositioning them as you photograph each frame.

  1. 2D Animations

2D animations are characters and objects with only two dimensions: height and breadth. Take, for example, Tom and Jerry. They can be drawn the old school way, as in No. 1 above or they can be created on a digital platform. So there is overlap with our first example, depending on the medium you are using.

  1. 3d Animations

3D animations are simulations of the real world. These are animations that are digitally created much like clay is sculpted to give objects and characters three dimensional properties.

They may be turned, moved, and rotated to provide a 360 degree perspective using complex algorithms and digital wireframes and are given texture, color and lighting all within the program used to create them.

  1. Motion Graphics

A motion graphic is a style of animation in which graphics elements such as text, graphic illustrations, video, and pictures are moved around to help explain, or share ideas or teach something.

The term “motion graphics” is self explanatory. Graphics that can change position. The process of giving static images such as shapes, text, and symbols energy through movement and sound is known as motion graphics animation.

Basically, when you animate existing graphics, they become motion graphics.

Making a logo or words spin (animating) is an example of motion graphics.

Another excellent example of motion graphics is converting one shape into another. A straight line that loops into a circle.

To add fun to graph presentations, you can move the graphs or animate pie chart to potion itself on the screen, making it easier for the audience to follow up and grasp the data, regardless of how complex it is.

Broadly speaking, motion graphics is when a designer takes existing components such as photographs, video clips, logos, illustrations, and text and combines them into a video that educates or informs the viewer.

What Distinction Is There Between Motion Graphics And Other Animation?

  1. Time.

Despite the fact that computers have become far more intelligent and software has evolved significantly, a 30 second motion graphic video takes considerably less time to create than a 30 second 2d or 3d animation video.

Motion graphic videos are typically composed of preexisting images and shapes; all that is required is the movement of the images, shapes and the addition of text and sound.

On the other hand, 2d and 3d animated characters and objects are designed entirely from scratch and are highly intricate.

Character development, rigging, rendering, and adding texture, lighting and color take quite a long time and a large amount of effort.

  1. Content.

If you’re still on the fence about whether to use motion graphics or animations in your project, keep content in mind. What are your objectives or the type of information you wish to convey?

  1. Are You Seeking To Educate Or Are You Hoping To Tell A Story?

Motion graphics are dramatic, engaging, and educational. That is why they excel at outlining facts. They help maintain an accurate and informative message while being entirely professional and are ideal for promotional purposes.

Consider the following scenario: you’re watching a promo for a new app, and the only thing on the screen is an image. Sounds dull, doesn’t it. What if the advertisement depicted the app in action?

The screen may be swiping, or the icons can be popping to reveal all of the app’s fantastic capabilities. You’d be proactively interacting with the application, even if it’s only via the screen.

See an example here:

Additionally, there are times where motion graphics are appropriate.

• Educational videos/materials on a variety of subjects.

• Presentations, particularly those that contain statistics.

• Developing new goods, for example, mobile applications.

Characters in animation have a story. Animation is ideal for brand awareness since it establishes a connection and engages the audience emotionally. You want to cultivate a bond with the customer, not just grab their attention.

  1. Cost.

Inevitably, an animation will cost far more than motion graphics due to the additional time and work required.

Considering video content is 50 times more likely to generate organic search traffic than plain text, it has become an integral aspect of most firms’ marketing strategies.

However, whether you utilize motion graphics or animation should ultimately depend on your end goal and budget.

8 Sure Ways To Strengthen Your Business’s Marketing Communications.

Communication distinguishes a good marketing campaign from a bad one. You may have all the correct information, but how you present it matters. Marketing communications aim to educate and persuade customers to make a purchase.

However, its efficiency is determined by various factors. If the message, language, and media do not suit the target market. The marketing communication approach will flop. Here are some tips to improve your marketing communications.

Develop A Good Marketing Plan

A sound marketing plan is comparable to a road map, indicating a starting point and the steps necessary to reach the end goal. Launching a marketing campaign without first developing a clear marketing strategy is a surefire way to fail. A marketing plan should include,

  • Extensive marketing research.
  • The intended audience.
  • Advertising platforms.
  • A thorough dive into the competition’s marketing communication strategies.

All of these things have an impact on your communication style. For example, for youth, it may be OK to use slang, but for the older generation, it is not.

Seek Guidance From An Expert.

In all honesty, hiring someone to assist you with marketing is not always an easy decision, especially for small businesses. This could be due to financial constraints or the belief that you are the only one who understands what your company is all about, which is understandable. Juggling things on your own, on the other hand, may throw you off your game.

Suppose you employ a professional and share your vision with them. In that case, you will spend more time managing the business and coming up with new ideas while they are out looking for solutions to your marketing communication problems.

Take A Marketing Or Communication Course.

Starting a business does not demand a business degree, but having one is highly beneficial. It’s the same with marketing. You might know how to conduct market research and other basics of the field, but do you know how to effectively convey a message or put together a compelling Facebook post or an email?

You could accomplish so much more and faster if you took a few lessons. Marketing comprises more than just having an idea who to market to, it also entails understanding consumer psychology, such as grasping which phrases are likely to prompt a client to purchase and which are not.

Demonstrate Some Personality

Nowadays, the majority of businesses mimic what their competitors are doing. Even though it is beneficial to draw inspiration from your opponent, it is also important to identify methods to set yourself apart from the competition. Being different can be a positive thing.

The easiest way to accomplish this is to inject some personality into your marketing communications. It could be the tone of your advertisements or the content you post, how your business interacts with customers and potential customers, whether on social media or in person. It Makes clients feel like they have a personal connection to your company.

Build Trust For Your Brand

Suppose Clients are to believe that you are the top hairstylist or baker in town. You have to prove it to them. Don’t mislead your customers by giving them inaccurate information. Offer free samples, post real client testimonials, and encourage your consumers to evaluate and review your business. People need to believe in what you’re selling. Increased sales are the result of a good brand.

Modify Your Marketing Tactics

Have you struggled to get likes and comments on your social media posts, despite posting regularly? or are visitors not flocking to your website? It could be disheartening to see the marketing communication approach you had so much faith in, with which you had invested resources and time, provide such disappointing results.

However, do not give up yet. Attempt alternative ways or make minor adjustments here and there. You could also experiment with paid Google Ads, Facebook Ads, a podcast, free testing fair, or even paying influencers to promote your products or services rather than simply posting content on social media pages.

Regular Results Monitoring

Every marketing communication strategy must include an assessment. Did it promote awareness, inform customers about a new product, or a sale? A competent assessment system is required to determine the effectiveness of marketing communications tactics and if they should be used in a future campaign. What parameters can you use to evaluate the effectiveness of a marketing strategy?

With most marketing conducted online, it’s pretty simple because Google and social media platforms provide insights. You can see the number of people who viewed or commented on your ad, how much traffic your website received as a result of the ad, and how many people signed up for newsletters, and so forth.

Share Helpful Information

You can’t just throw anything out there. Always view your marketing communications from the perspective of the customer. If you don’t understand what customers want to hear about your business, review your social media postings to see which ones had the most engagement and go with that. You could also share content that sparks discussions or captivates customers’ interest, encouraging them to be honest about what they expect from you.

Ultimately, when devising a marketing communication strategy, know your target audience well. Then, based on the findings, customize your communication model to the customer profile.

How Can You Know If Graphic Design Is The Career For You?

There is no disputing that graphic design is one of the top jobs to look out for in the coming years. Demand is increasing every day, not to mention that graphic designers earn a decent wage of between 18 and 30 dollars per hour, depending on the experience.

An average of $45,000 a year, all you need is a computer, and you can work from anywhere in the world in your pajamas if you want to? It sounds like pure bliss but let’s back up a little.

Choosing a career path is a major and life changing decision. You either end up loving your job, or you dread having to work every day. If you end up with the latter, you have two options: change careers and start over, or swallow the bitter pill and continue to be miserable anyway; both are terrible options, in my opinion.

However, all of this can be avoided if you take the time to explore your options and figure out which career is the best fit for you. But how can you know if graphic design is the right option? We have some ideas to help you figure that out.

To start, ask yourself the following seven questions before deciding whether graphic design is right for you.

Do You Mind Sitting For The Entire Day?

Graphic design is not an active job. Unless you need to go for a short walk to get some inspiration or stretch, you’ll be spending the greater part of your day in front of your computer with hardly any movements and little to no interactions with other people. It could be a bonus for some, but are you okay with it? 

How Do You Deal With Criticism?

As a graphic designer, People will analyze, judge, and comment on your work. But not all will be positive. What no one tells you is that no matter how brilliant you are or how many years of experience you got stuck up under your belt, you will not be the perfect fit for every graphic design task, and not every customer will be satisfied with your work. You must grasp that, it is ultimately about the clients, not you.

You and your clients must share the same vision, which may take two or three attempts. This means that if you want to pursue graphic design, you must have plenty of patience and be willing to learn from every instance of criticism. If criticism isn’t your forte, graphic design isn’t for you.

Do You Have An Artistic Bone In Your Body?

Let’s face it. Not everyone is a creative person. It’s a bummer, but it’s the truth. Unfortunately, most young people are led to believe that all you need for a thriving graphic design career is a computer and a few software programs like Photoshop. Not at all.

Graphic design is basically a form of art. It would work be best if you had a natural eye for design and the ability to discern what looks visually pleasing simply by looking at it. A naturally talented graphic designer can easily break out of a creative jam by drawing inspiration from the most insignificant sources.

Are You Prepared To Learn For The Rest Of Your Life?

Is the thought of a never-ending learning loop appealing to you? If not, it’s time to consider a new career. It is of little significance if you have a degree in graphic design or have worked in the profession for a few years. Every day, every project is an opportunity to learn something new.

You’ll be expected to keep your knowledge and skills up to date to keep them time-proof in an ever-changing industry. Otherwise, new design software and trends will develop in the next several years, rendering your skill obsolete.

Can You Keep Strict Deadlines?

Whether you work full-time or freelance, the world of graphic design is intense and fast-paced, and designers are expected to keep pace; otherwise, you’ll lose the majority of your clientele to your competition. If you’re serious about getting into graphic design, ensure you have excellent time management skills because you’ll be required to meet stringent deadlines, which will allow you to keep more clients and earn more money.

Can You Handle Tedious Work?

You won’t have the luxury of picking and choosing whatever projects you want to work on at the start of your career. Nevertheless, you’ll need as many jobs as possible at this point to build your portfolio and polish your skills. While some projects will be thrilling, others will be boring and repetitive.

Regardless, you’ll need to approach them with the same level of competence and professionalism as you would with your favorite projects. So, if such a situation comes, will you find the zeal and motivation? If you can respond yes to that question, graphic design could be a good fit for you.

Are You A Team Player?

Being a team player is an important skill if you want to thrive in any field, and graphic design is no exception. While you may be allowed to work alone on a minor project, larger projects require teamwork to achieve the best results. Expect ideas, opinions, and insightful comments, all of which you must accept graciously.

Wrapping Up

How many of the questions did you answer affirmatively? If you failed in one or two, don’t give up just yet; take some time to do some soul searching and contemplation. You might find that you’re cut out for graphic design, After all.