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How to Know if You Need a New Logo

So, you have a business, and you have customers; however, you feel as though things have plateaued. You’re not moving forward, with sales, generating new leads, or increasing website traffic, and you are not sure what is the cause of it. One way to instantly give your company a fresh look and a facelift is a new logo. A new logo says that you are changing things up and your company is growing. It’s a subtle way to let your customers and the public, in general, know that you are making improvements in the company.

Companies such as Wendy’s, Uber, Mac Donald’s, and MasterCard have successfully updated their logos without changing ownership.

Something so simple as an updated logo to (you don’t even need to change it) refresh everything and make your business look like a whole new company, while still remaining the same.

Three ways to know if you need a new logo design:

One: If you see a decline in sales, and notice that you are not generating new leads, then it’s time to try something new. Nothing says, “We are updating things around here!” as a new logo design does. It may be just the thing that you need to grab some new interest.

Two: If you are changing your company’s colors (think Walmart moving from blue and gray to tan)it may be time to update your logo as well. If your brand is updating, you may want to update the logo at the same time.

Three: Last but not least, why not? Why not create a new logo design for your business and not let things get stale, and if you’ve had your logo for some time and you feel that your company is in a slump, you may want to think about re-branding, and that would include a new logo design. If you believe that things need shaking up, then a new and improved logo is a great way to do that.

Updating your logo should never be off the table. Keep in mind, maybe you have a good thing that is working (think Apple), and your company is seeing incredible expiation and growth. In that case, don’t worry about updating your logo. However, if you feel that you need to give your business a new look, an updated logo is the perfect way to do that.  And in that case, get out there and find the perfect graphic designer to bring your new logo to life!

Why Your Business Needs Graphic Design

Happy Friday! I know that lately we have been talking about a number of different subjects and I was thinking that maybe today, as we head into the weekend, we should talk about why your business needs graphic design. I thought this might be a good subject to talk about because I have talked about graphic design at great length, and have never really talked about WHY your business needs it.

Let’s get started!

Graphic design, website development, and good copywriting are just a few of the known things that your business needs to look professional, and be successful. There are so many reasons to have a good outlet to get your graphic design work done when you own a business. If you are unsure whether your business needs graphic design or not, read below three reasons why your business NEEDS graphic design, and it’s not an option.

One: First off, if you want your business to look like the company you know it is, professional, efficient, and productive, then you need graphic design and you need good graphic design work done. Whether you need a logo design or a banner. Remember, your website is going to be the first thing people see when they go to your site.

Two: When you use graphic design for your businesses, you succeed in making your website look like you want it to look. You can have a website that looks like no other one, because you simply had it designed your way, and in the style that fits you and your company. The graphics that design your site are a statement of you and your brand, and make it unique to you, and only you.

Three: I will leave you with this last one. When you use graphic design, no matter what it is for (a logo design, a banner ad, or a flyer) it will look like yours and no one else’s. Because the design was especially tailored for you and your business, created it to fit your style of site, and your brand.

You want everything about your business to be unique to YOU. And that is what a good design company does. They create designs that are one-of-a-kind. I firmly believe that every business should have graphic design help to make their business unique to them.

Benefits Of Crowdsourcing

You’re in the market for a new logo. Or maybe you just want to update your old one, either way, there are so many options out there sometimes it’s hard to know what is the direction you should move in to obtain said new logo. The choices can seem endless and sometimes very overwhelming.
If you have already decided to go to a local designer and have your logo created than this post is not for you. However, if you are browsing around online and still undecided, then you’ve come to the right place!
I’m going to give you five reasons that crowdsourcing is the way to go:
1. You have the opportunity to work with hundreds, and sometimes thousands of graphic artists. Instead of working with just one artist, you get to see the work of many.
2. An affordable price. When you work with one designer they name the price, you agree upon it and then you go from there. Often since they are putting in so much time and effort the price that you’ll agree upon is rather high (it can range anywhere from $150 to $1000). When you work with a logo design site the price is much lower.
3. You can speed up the process. When you work with logo designers such as Design Pickle, Hatchwise, and 99 Designs you are able to select how soon you want the design. This can range from 10 days to 48 hours. If you are in need of a quality logo basically overnight you can have it.
4.  You have the input from artists worldwide. If you work with one designer you are only getting their personal experience and their take on logo design. But if you work with many designers then you get lots of different designs and you can decide what type you like best. Designs vary worldwide, so wouldn’t you want to see logos that reflect that?
5. Eliminate management. Let someone else do all the work. You simply let the designers know what you are looking for, leave some feedback on the designs, select one, and receive your final files. That’s it! So easy and simple. Crowdsourcing takes away all the complications.