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Unlimited Web Development For Your Business. Is It Necessary?


Every business faces its own uniques challenges; however, those that want to have an online presence are all faced with one very similar one. How to design, update, and maintain their websites. Words such as “mobile optimization,” and “page loading speed,” can quickly become confusing, because, to the inexperienced, web development is a complicated world.

In this day and age, a website for any company is a must. People love to search, learn, and shop from mobile devices, and that’s why companies should understand the value of having a website to promote their business, even if they have a physical store location.

Five ways that having a website benefits business owners.

1. Builds brand awareness:​ Having an online presence allows you to be better able to let people know what makes you and your company unique. It sets you apart and will enable you to nurture your brand.

2. Keeps customers up to date: ​Having a website means that you can connect better with your customers and let them know new deals and information about your company.

3. Builds a relationship:​ Being able to communicate with your customers means that you can build a better relationship with your customers.


4. Fosters transparency:​ Connecting with your customers and communicating with them online means that you are building a relationship of trust. You want your customers to trust you and know that you only have the best product or services for them. That creates transparency that customers find incredibly valuable.

5. Increases sales:​ All of the above combined has one huge benefit for you and your company: an increase in sales. Online exposure, building and fostering customer relationships, and increasing brand awareness all help to increase sales and allow you to see higher ROI.

How you go about creating a website can vary. Many people hire a team to design and add content to their site and then call it a day. However, that is not recommended. It’s better to consider hiring a company that can provide you with ongoing, unlimited web development, so that not only is your site designed and built, but it is also maintained. Because the work of a website does not stop after it is designed and active. It has to be updated and optimized on a daily and weekly basis to continue to be effective and efficient.

Three Reasons Why You Need an Unlimited Copywriting Team

If you’re unsure as to whether or not hiring an unlimited copyrighting team for your business is really necessary, then keep reading because below we have collected three reasons of why it’s absolutely essential for you to hire an unlimited copyrighting team.

Three Reasons Why You Need an UnlimitedCopywriting Team:

One: Let’s be serious. You can’t write your own website. It just isn’t possible, and it’s certainly isn’t realistic. There’s going to be many different pages and sections that you’ll have to write copy for, and it’s probably going to take you quite a while. This is where an unlimited copywriting team can come in. Not only will they be able to do it much faster, but the copy will be only the highest quality.

Two: Perhaps the worst fear of any business owner is having a spelling or grammar error found on their website or in any of their company’s copy overall.  When you have an unlimited copywriting team, you can have those worries vanish. You don’t even have to worry about proofreading. The copywriting team can take care of it all for you, and you’ll instantly feel stress vanish.

Three: Let’s be honest. We all want to be better than our competitors when it comes to our business. This means that you need to have the best of everything, especially copy. An unlimited copywriting team will give you precisely that. When you hire a team to write your copy, you’ll receive only the best copy and nothing less.

Overall, it’s essential that you hire a copywriting team to write the copy for your business. We recommend you use one that will give you unlimited copywriting so that you’ll be able to utilize it fully. However, no matter how often you use them, you certainly need an on-demand unlimited copywriting team to write the copy for your business. Trust me, it’ll be more than worth it.

Benefits of Hiring a Copywriting Team

benefits of hiring a copywriting team

If you’ve read anything about copywriting, whether it was on why you should hire a copywriter or what copywriting is, then it probably goes without saying that you need a copywriting team for your business. And that is true. But more than just a team, you need an excellent team that can help your business with every bit of content your website or blog might need. You’ll even need one for social posts, brochures, etc.

 That’s a lot for one team to handle. How do you find the right people to work on your content, and how can you be sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck?

 In this post, I’d like to talk about what a copywriting team is, what you should expect from a great team, including four examples of good marketing material writing, and how to manage a successful team. I’m sure if you’re still on the fence, they’ll convince you that you need a great team for your business.

What is a Copywriting Team?

A copywriting team is a group of individuals who can all work together and with you to create content for your website, blog, social media, ads, banners, and more. They possess the skills and experience to create SEO content that not only attracts readers but also converts, engages, and keeps people browsing your site.

Importance of Copywriting in Digital Marketing

You know that copywriting is important, but why is it crucial for marketing, and why can’t you just do it yourself? Here’s why you should strongly consider one for your content.

Increase Your SEO

Long-form, original, and high-quality content is a standard among top-ranking websites. When you work with a good team of copywriters, they’ll meet SEO requirements and look at ranking trends to ensure your page reaches the top of the listings.

Help Visitors Recognize Your Brand

Professional-looking website design isn’t complete without the content to fill it up. When you look at a page that barely has any copy, it almost looks like spam, and it certainly doesn’t look like the company put much time and effort into it.

 You want your site to teach visitors about your brand, give them a sense of your personality, and connect with you personally. Whether your visitors are shopping, looking for helpful information, or looking to establish trust with your brand, high-quality content is how you help them.

Make & Save Money

Evergreen content is a huge aid to your long-term marketing strategy. Potential customer traffic will still be directed to the page long after you’ve posted it, especially if you keep it up to date. What’s more, if that content is truly high-quality, it’ll compel action like sales. Quality content is great for your ROI and pays for itself, often double and triple.

 So, what makes good marketing content? Let’s take a peek.

Four Examples of Good Marketing Material:

One: Newsletters and emails are a foundation of marketing for any business, but they can be a challenge to write. Do you make them fun and have plenty of calls to action? Or do you prefer to have them more business-like and allow them to speak for themselves? Well, copywriters can take the load off your shoulders because they can write it for you and communicate your message to your target audience.

Two: Writing a blog post can be even more difficult. You need to consider so many different aspects, such as how to format it or what tone to use. They’re time-consuming, and it’s more than likely that you don’t have the time to put together a blog post with all the necessary research and editing. That’s where a content team becomes your marketing BFF because they can take your links and what you want to say and create a well-written and engaging post. Then all you have to do is add some images and hit publish.

Three: Every business uses ads, but how do you write the perfect campaign? An advertisement should make people want to stop and read it, then follow through with the call-to-action. An excellent content team can help you do that! They have the experience and knowledge necessary to get those link clicks and convert text into a sale.

Four: Of all the things we talked about above, this is perhaps the most important because it’s where everything begins- web pages. Your marketing efforts won’t pay off if you have good copy everywhere but on your site. That’s why you need someone who can not only write good but fantastic copy, and a good copywriting team can do just that. They can build content for your site that communicates your message, educates customers about a product or service, and engage your visitors.

outsourcing a copywriting team

Outsourcing to a Copywriting Service

Copywriting, as you can likely now see, is a full-time, ongoing process that your business will need indefinitely. Hiring a professional copywriting service can help you create quality content without going through the long, stressful hiring process. Your copywriting team can handle your copywriting workflow without disrupting your business flow.

The copywriters at Flocksy have a great track record for delivering quality content that you can rely on to deliver your message and promote action. Your dedicated project manager oversees each project, and you’ll be able to chat directly with the writer assigned to your project if you have any questions or concerns.

Moreover, the brand buckets mean you can attach a style and brand guide once, and our writers will have access to it with every project. Our writers are professional, vetted, and have experience with SEO content marketing, emails, blogs, ads, and everything in between. They’ll send you the files once the project is finished, and if you want to change anything, you’ll have unlimited revisions to get it just right.

A quality, comprehensive copywriting service is the most effective way to boost your content output while you continue handling all the other important parts of running a business.

But what about hiring a freelance copywriter? There are several pros and cons to each. Let’s discuss those now.

Is Hiring a Freelance Copywriter Worth It?

You’ll have a lot to consider when you’re looking to delegate your content work. As the business owner of a smaller company, the content creation may have fallen on you, and taking up that task is commendable. However, it’s typically best to have a professional writer do the writing. But who do you choose?

Should you reach out to a freelancer or contact a copywriting service? There can be pros and cons to either approach. With freelancers, you’ll find them on platforms like Upwork, LinkedIn, and more. There will be writers for every type of content piece, and you’ll be able to see if a person has experience with the content you need.

In general, here are the pros and cons of working directly with a freelancer:


  • More affordable. Because you’re just paying for one service and one job, it’ll typically be cheaper to pay a freelancer for a single project. You won’t be paying for an ongoing service that may or may not include other services in addition to copywriting. That said, an experienced copywriter can be more costly. They may even charge upwards of $75 per 1000 words.
  • Fast results. Assuming you find a writer quickly, they’ll typically be able to produce your content in 24-72 hours. They’ll receive instructions from you, your approximate or firm deadline, and get to work. 
  • Flexible adaptation to your requirements. You’ll be able to teach the freelancer what you need, and if you establish a connection with them, you’ll essentially have your own copywriter without the in-house hiring.


  • It’s hard to find a good writer. There are thousands of writers to choose from on those freelance platforms, so you’re bound to find a good one quickly. Right? Well, that may not always be the case. To be a good writer for your company, they’ll need to: a) understand your field, b) adhere to deadlines, c) often excellent communication, and d) submit objectively well-written articles. They do exist, but you’ll certainly pay for top talent because they know how valuable they are, which can translate into higher costs and a lot of time spent looking for someone.
  • The quality of articles without an editor is unreliable. Editors and proofreading are a must. No matter how talented the writer is, they’re bound to miss something in their writing because the writer will have an inherent blind spot since they know what they’re trying to say. Adding an editor to the process can cost more. Still, it’s necessary if your freelancer doesn’t already work with one, particularly if you’ll be delivering several projects to them with tight deadlines.
  • A lot of effort. Looking for the right author and communicating your needs can be almost as time-consuming as looking for an in-house employee. The whole reason you’re looking for a freelancer is to save time, not spend even more of it focused on only one task.
  • Freelancers can overlook technical tasks. In some cases, technical requirements such as reference sheets or formatting can be forgotten by the freelancer. What’s more, if you have a specific program or tool you use for your content, and they don’t have it, you might spend a lot of time translating their documents into the format you need.
planning copywriting team

Is a Copywriting Service Better Than Freelancers?

Working with a copywriting service or company can provide other benefits that working with an individual copywriter or freelancer can’t.

A copywriting service team will typically consist of writers, experts, a quality assurance manager, and a project manager. Because of the included checks and balances, many prefer working with a service for the following reasons.

5 Factors That May Make You Want to Work With a Copywriting Service

  • There’s a delegated process. The copywriting service will choose professionals to hire and control the ones who get to work on projects with them. They’ll vet their creatives and typically choose only those that show dedication to their work. As you can guess, subsequent content creation is of high quality. That’s what we stand by at Flocksy.
  • Consistent quality. By the end of every project you submit with Flocksy, you’ll have excellent content that meets SEO requirements as well as any specific needs you assign. You get this because the writers that come to work for us every day always put quality first. That’s why we hired them.
  • Ease of communication. Writers and clients think about and speak about content differently. You might not be able to explain what you’re looking for using their copywriting terms. Thanks to the regular communication between you and the project manager and writer, you’ll enjoy a stress-free project process. You’ll be able to use Loom video messaging to describe your project if that’s easier for you, and you can always go back and forth with the writer through chat. Our Zapier integration also makes it easy to get updates on the apps you use most.
  • You won’t need to explain technical requirements. Thanks to our writers’ experience, you won’t have to explain your formatting needs more than once. They’ll understand SEO requirements, what social posts need, how to create compelling landing page copy, etc.
  • There are guarantees. Flocksy strives to develop long-term relationships with our clients and values our clients greatly. Should any disputed situations arise, we’ll always work hard to resolve them. Moreover, we only work with qualified professionals, and if quality ever becomes an issue, you know we’ll deal with it internally.

An additional note about edits: Freelancers may not offer revisions as readily as a content team. While it may be doable, it’s not always clear how many revisions you can request. With a copywriting service, revisions will often be considered part of the process. Here at Flocksy, you’ll get unlimited revisions to ensure your content is just how you want it.


A copywriting team can make your words come to life. They understand how to write the best copy for any situation that will help make your company or brand look amazing while making it eye-catching for website visitors. Whether you have a big company or run a startup, a good content team can help you by writing engaging and informative content.

When you’re looking for a copywriting team to help your business, look to Flocksy for great content from highly-qualified professional copywriters. You’ll get unlimited projects and revisions. Allow us to help you get your content just “write.”