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The Importance of Social Media for your Business




Some people think that social media is a bad thing, and yes, it can be, if used incorrectly. But we think quite the contrary. We believe that social media can be hugely beneficial for your business. Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Snapchat, and  many more can benefit your business immensely. All of these can display your product, let people know about your business, and overall bring you customers. The social media team here at Flocksy use almost all of these and have found that they have helped us a lot with building our business.

It is important for your business for many reasons, but one of the (many) is that it can be used to communicate with your customers in ways that you don’t usually get the chance to. You can be more casual and laid back with potential customers, let them see that although you’re a business, you aren’t always formal and serious. They can be free to ask you questions in the comments that they might not always feel as comfortable asking on your site. It lets your customers see a whole new side to your business that they may not have even known existed.

Let’s take Instagram for instance. Instagram has added the recent feature of Instagram Stories. You can take a photo or video and your followers can see it for 24 hours. You could use this feature to your business’s advantage by doing a day in the life. You could take videos of your day, at the office, going out for coffee. All the things that your customers don’t get to see when they visit your site. But this is just one of the many great advantages there are to having social media for your business.

 It may take a while before you start seeing signs that these social media platforms are making a difference, but if used correctly, over time you will see the increase of customers.

If your business doesn’t have at least one social media platform we highly encourage you to start one. It’ll be worth the work when you see the increase in costumers.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Thank you for taking the time to read!



A Few Tips on Instagram and How to Use it For your  Business

Instagram is one of social media’s most used platforms. And for goodInstagram is one of social media’s most used platforms. And for reason too!

It’s an excellent means of communication and one of the best ways to get your business out there.

Personally, we (Flocksy), find it one of our most used social media platforms. Instagram can be hugely beneficial for any business, if used correctly.

If you own an online clothing store, for instance, you could share some of your favorite articles of clothing that you sell, tell your followers about discounts and sales, and when clothing is restocked and out of stock. Or, for small businesses, it’s great to get your product out there.

Posting your product in use, or the quality of your product, will help potential customers see what they’ll be getting when they buy your merchandise.

You’re probably thinking that it’s all well and good to put your product out there, but how do you get people to notice your account? And that, is an excellent question. It’s easy enough to just post a photo, right? But getting followers and customers, that isn’t quite as easy, is it? No, it’s not.

So that’s why we’re going to give you a few tips on how to make it easier. When posting a photo on Instagram, here are a few things you always want to remember.

High Quality Photos 

When people are scrolling down their feed, a good, clear photo will stand out. So make sure when posting that your photo has good lighting, is clear, and shows your product at its best.                                                                        Example


Instagram lets you use up to thirty hashtags per a post. Although you don’t want your account to look spammy (which can happen if you use too many hashtags), you do want to use hashtags to your best advantage. Most people don’t read the hashtags, so we suggest doing your caption, and then a little ways down having your hashtags. That way people can choose whether or not they would like to read the hashtags, but your post can still be easily found. 

A Good Caption  

A good caption is an essential part of an Instagram post. Depending on what you’re posting, captions are endless. Short and catchy captions will make people stop to see your post and what you have to say before moving on. If you do too long of a caption your followers are more apt to read the first sentence and then get bored, moving onto the next post before seeing what you have to say.

Try to condense what you have to say to twenty words or less, making it easy for your followers to read it and then move on. Start your post off with something that will catch your followers eye. For instance, ‘New arrivals in the shop!’. If your followers see something like this at the beginning, they’ll be interested, and want to read more.

Well, that’s all. Thank you for taking the time to read, we hope we’ve helped you build your Instagram account up a bit! 

Here’s a link to our (Flocksy) Instagram’s page: 

Feel free to go and check it out for an example of the tips we mentioned above.