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8 Surefire Ways To Simplify Your Work Life

The Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius once said, “You have the power to strip away many superfluous troubles.” While he was talking about self-reflection and development, his sentiment holds true when it comes to the work day grind. We spend most of our lives working. The rest of it we spend on leisure and sleep. Unless we’re careful, work can cast a terrible shadow over us.

One of the best ways to keep work in its place, and make it more productive, is to keep things simple. No matter how complicated the task or how difficult the job, there’s always a way to do it more precisely. Limiting a job to its bare essentials lets you focus on what’s important.

Simplicity won’t necessarily make a job easier, but it does make it manageable. Getting your mind wrapped around your work puts it in perspective.

There’s no better feeling than knowing you’re equal to the task, and simplicity lets you focus on what you need to do, so here are Eight Surefire Ways To Simplify Your Work Life:

Clean And Organize Your Area

The trite saying, ‘messy area, messy mind’ might be a cliché, but it’s also true. You don’t have to be a neat freak or germophobe, but you can start simplifying your work life by clearing your desk of anything unnecessary to your immediate work. Bring items to your desktop only when you need them. After you’re done, put them away, preferably to a designated spot. You must also clear the area immediately surrounding your desk. If you share an office with others, make it plain you intend to keep your area clutter free. If you have an enclosed office, organize it all. This may take a few hours, or even a few days. Just make sure you do it properly and completely.

Have A Set, Reasonable Number Of Work Hours

Being a workaholic isn’t a virtue. Overtime is okay, but it’s the exception, not the rule. Devote yourself to your time at work, but when it’s over, leave it behind. Believe it or not, successful entrepreneurs know how to be as involved with their playtime as they do with their work. Whether you’re a captain of industry or one of its foot soldiers, set your work hours to a time frame you can manage.

Organize Your Work Flow Order

There is a time for everything. Important jobs should be structured, and even your busy work should be planned. If you have a good work flow, you’ll spend less time developing schedules on the fly. With a logical order, you’ll bring proper resources to the job. You’ll be able to gauge your progress and evaluate your outcomes.

Do Important Tasks First

When you’re organizing your work, start with the most important jobs first. The beginning of your work period is when you have the most energy, creativity and time. Your mind will rest easy knowing you’ve accomplished something of value early. Whether you’re your own boss or have a manager, you’ll feel better during the day knowing the heavy lifting is already done.

Eliminate Nonessential Or Busy Work

We talked earlier about organizing your busy work, but to tell the truth, you should eliminate it. Most mundane tasks can be automated. Let machines and third party services take away that mind sapping tedium. Identify tasks that are repetitive and redundant. Remove anything that doesn’t help your work or lay a foundation for jobs in the future. The time you spend on unnecessary tasks erodes your passion and robs your desire for your job.

Take Real Breaks

This is one of the hardest things to follow when you simplify your work. Other than bathroom and food breaks we’re taught that interrupting our work is laziness. This simply isn’t true. Despite analogies to the contrary, the human mind isn’t a machine. People don’t only need to rest. They also need to recharge. You must get away from your work when it’s time to do so. Only then will you come back fresher and eager for more.

Concentrate On Your Own Job

It’s great to be a team player, but everyone has a job to do. If you’re doing someone else’s job, you’re probably not doing yours very well. Mission creep happens with any work, but don’t let it make your job impossible. Even people who work in isolation fall prey to the trap of overwork. It’s debilitating to do someone else’s job, whether they’re on the other end of a phone or across from you in a cubicle. Learn to focus on your own work, and you’ll find the day goes smoother.

Communicate Quickly and Succinctly

Many people spend too much time over thinking work communication. Meetings don’t have to drag on, and if it takes ten emails to relay an idea, you’ve obviously belabored the point. Don’t let anyone, including yourself, fall in love with the sound of their own voice. Be clear and concise. The simplified work life rewards language that’s strong and plain.

Bi-Weekly Resource Roundup Volume #7

Hi Flocksy fam!

I hope everyone is doing well! We’re excited to announce that we made some exciting changes to the Flocksy dashboard. It now has a cleaner layout, easy navigation and more. Go check it out and let us know what you think!

Sam Ryan
… and the rest of Team Flocksy!

Featured team member design of the month:

Here is a custom illustration by our creative Sunardi, for a client. We think it’s pretty cool! All custom illustrations on Flocksy are drawn completely from scratch by one of our extremely talented illustrators. Start an illustration project today and see results in just hours!


Kick Start Your New Businesses With These 8 Digital Marketing Practices

by Flocksy writer Gerry Ellen Avery
Digital marketing has become such a savior for many startups, as these practices allow startups to reach audiences at a much lower cost than traditional marketing. Although many startups have adopted digital marketing, developing your own strategy is key if you want to achieve the best results.   continue

5 Benefits Of Outsourcing

 by Flocksy writer Scarlette Olivier
One of the biggest struggles that businesses face today is finding the perfect balance between quality and cost. Outsourcing is emerging as an effective tool to help companies cut costs while still keeping the quality that today’s consumers have come to expect.   continue    

How Are Your Media Relations? Give Them A Boost With These 5 Tips

 by Flocksy writer Kasey Van Dyke
  In the digital age, a relationship with the media is crucial to getting your business out in the public eye. The process of building this relationship is the core of media relations. Not only does this build a valuable connection with people who can improve your reputation in the community, it’s a way to get some free marketing.   continue

5 Easy Tips For Curating The Best Facebook Timeline

by Flocksy writer Allison Denny
Since your Timeline is a major aspect of your Facebook experience, it’s important to focus on this platform. Your Timeline should be a high-quality representation of your brand, fitting neatly into your company’s vision, mission, and goals. Learn these five easy tips to help you curate the best Facebook timeline   continue 

What Is A Logo?

We see logos everywhere; our clothing, cars, streets, and nearly everywhere else that we look. A logo is basically an image, text, or shape (or combination of all three) that shows the purpose of a brand. A logo is a brand’s trademark and shows what the brand does, its history, and its purpose. Good logos will define a brand and leave their mark on customers and will be easily recognizable to them.

What Does A Logo Do?

A logo serves many purposes and more than just the ones that we mentioned above. If you run a company then you’ll quickly learn that your logo does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to your business. In fact, your logo does just about everything when it comes to your company. Branding, impressions, and your company’s brand identity all have a great deal to do with your logo.

Your logo helps you stand out from the competition, helps build loyalty with customers, and leaves a lasting first impression on your audience. Your logo is a signature part of your company. Think about some of the greatest brands; Apple, Google, or Nike. When you think of them, you probably instantly of their logos. That’s how you know a company has a good logo.

What Makes A Good Logo?

Good logos don’t come easily, they require talent and money. To be able to have a truly amazing logo for your brand, you’ll want to keep a few elements in mind that all great logos have. The first thing to remember is that all great logos are simple. It’s easy to want to over complicate your logo and think that more is better, but this isn’t the case with logos.

The less that you include in your logo the more appealing it can be. You want to keep in mind that your logo won’t always appear in the color version that you see it in initially. It’ll have to appear in black and white, in different sizes and on different material. The simpler your logo is the more versatile it’ll be and the easier it’ll be to use on products and packaging.

The second aspect to keep in mind for your logo is that you want your logo to be eye appealing. Your audience has to like your brand and that starts with liking how it looks. Since your logo is basically the visual representation of your brand, you want to make sure that it’s only represented the best it can be. Use colors and typography that will catch your audience’s eyes and make it stand out.

Why A Logo Tagline Matters

A tagline is a phrase or saying that goes beneath your logo and that customers associate with your customers. Logos don’t typically need to be combined with taglines, but it can add a lot to a logo if a tagline is included. Think about Nike’s iconic ‘Just Do It’; you’ll meet very few people who don’t know the iconic tagline by memory. Many companies choose to add a tagline to their logo if they think that a logo by itself won’t communicate what their company does or doesn’t seem to be enough.

If you’re starting out with a logo without a tagline, and then, later on, think that a tagline would add to it, then you can always add it. It’s important that if you decide to include a tagline to your logo, you put time and effort into choosing one that will do your company justice. Your logo should represent your company just as much as your logo does and add purpose to your brand.

What Makes A Logo Stand Out?

Since there’s a sea of logos out in the business world, it can feel next to impossible to have your logo stand out from competitors. Standing out amongst your competitors will depend on your company and industry, but there are a few basic things that you can do to make your logo different.

The first tip is to make sure that your logo is easy to read. This is especially true for wordmark logos, but it’s something that you’ll want to keep in mind regardless of your logotype. If your audience has to look too long at the logo to decipher its meaning then it’s probably time to get a new logo.

The second tip which many businesses forget is to cater to your audience. You can have what you think is the best logo, but it’s useless if it’s not appealing to your audience. It’s important to know your audience and know what type of logo will grab their attention. Remember that your logo is for your audience and your audience only.

How Does Color Affect Your Logo?

Color plays a big part in any area of branding, but especially when it comes to your logo. Great logos will either work great in color or in black and white. When we think about color theory and examine what emotions colors make us feel, it can make a huge difference in what colors we choose for our logo. You’ll want to keep your branding consistent across all your marketing material, so your logo colors should be aligned with the rest of your branding. Think about your audience and how the colors that you choose for your logo will affect them. Remember that colors play an important role in your logo, so you want to put thought into what colors you choose.

7 Surefire Ways To Increase Your Happiness

Ask ten people what their definition of happiness is, and you’ll get ten different answers. A person’s version of happiness depends on their values, priorities, and goals. While the choices and activities that bring you happiness may differ from someone else’s, it’s generally agreed upon that happiness involves a better mood, less stress, and a feeling of personal enrichment.

It’s important to know that happiness is usually the result of another action, whether you’re aware of it or not, and it doesn’t occur in a vacuum. The good news is that there are scientifically proven ways to increase your happiness, at least to some extent. Some are great for a short term boost, while others work towards the greater lifelong journey of personal fulfillment.

Sleep Better

Given that happiness can be elusive, it’s no surprise that the equally elusive good night’s sleep can factor largely in your happiness. Studies have found that getting just one extra hour of restful and uninterrupted sleep a night can make you as happy as getting a huge salary raise. Many of us find it difficult to prioritize sleep, and that is usually due to a desire to be productive at all times. Divorcing yourself from this notion will not only help with sleep, but with overall self care and mindfulness that can also lead to greater happiness.

Reach Out To Your People

We’re all feeling the effects of isolation from our loved ones after the last year. Feeling connected to people around us is a huge contributor to happiness. Even if you aren’t a social butterfly, having a few select close friends or family members to share your life with can make a big difference. Research has shown that happiness is often a collective phenomenon, meant to be experienced with others.

Break A Sweat

You’ve probably gotten (and maybe rolled your eyes at) the advice that physical exercise can do wonders for your mental well being. While many people aren’t necessarily eager to get to the gym, the benefits of getting some form of exercise consistently are undeniable. Exercise gives us better sleep, reduced stress, and those endorphins that really give us a boost of happiness. If the thought of lifting weights is enough to put you off, try going for a quick walk outside, or trying a new sport that interests you.

Fake It Til You Make It

Positive thinking is a tricky phenomenon. Studies have shown that smiling and laughing can activate your happiness, even if you don’t feel like doing either. But fake smiles or laughs, like the ones sometimes asked of customer service workers, don’t work the same way. In order to get the benefits of smiling or laughing, you have to think of something that makes you happy. This could be an abstract concept, or actual memories of good times. In effect, the feedback loop of thinking happy thoughts can lead to overall greater happiness.

Help Someone Else

Personal fulfillment often comes at recognizing a greater cause than oneself. Rather than pursuing your own happiness, look for ways you can bring happiness to others and yours might just follow. Think of something you can offer to others, whether a special skill, your mentor-ship, or simply your time, and find an organization that needs help. Volunteering to help those in need has been shown by researchers to be one of the most reliable ways to increase well-being.

Live In The Moment

In this day and age, being mindful and living in the moment may seem like antiquated concepts, thanks to our constant ability to tune out and find entertainment on any number of screens. But studies show that meditation is a great tool for a greater awareness of and connection to your surroundings. Happiness isn’t about one single activity, but rather being happy in many situations. Remember that mindfulness meditation is a gradual process that requires practice, so try it out for a short period of time every day and see where it takes you.

Make A Plan

So often when we try to completely overhaul our routines, for instance eating healthier or exercising more, we bite off more than we can chew and give up before we really get started. Making manageable and achievable goals and planning your execution has been shown to lead to significantly greater happiness and personal satisfaction. Whether it’s unplugging from your phone for 30 minutes before bed or exercising every day for a week, never underestimate the power of checking something off of a list.

5 Simple Ways to Improve Employee Mental Health

Although mental health is becoming less taboo of a topic, it still holds a lot of weight in the workplace and can seriously damage morale and productivity. However, few businesses prioritize mental health. For those trying to develop a more accommodating environment for their employees, this article will explain five simple ways you can support your employees and improve their mental health.

Cultivate A Positive Work Culture

The only way you’ll be able to convince your employees that you support their mental health is if you cultivate a healthy work environment. There is still a heavy stigma surrounding mental health, so do your best to squash it. It would help if you had continuous conversations to try and make it a more casual and common topic within the office. Employees need to know that their CEO and executives believe in these programs and place great importance upon improving mental health.

Use Current Research

Psychology has drastically changed within the past ten years. The worst thing you can do for your employees is to use outdated resources and advice. It just shows them how unimportant mental health is to you since you couldn’t even bother to research it. Remember to stay up-to-date with your resources so you can give usable advice.

Eliminate Barriers to Resources

You should try and make it as easy as possible for your employees to access these mental health resources. Don’t make them sift through layers of bureaucracy and channels to get help–they shouldn’t have to ask at all! Utilize various methods to reach your employees, such as videos, newsletters, tutorials, and social media posts. By using different formats, you can continuously remind your staff of these programs and encourage participation.

Be Flexible

As you’re trying to improve your work culture and create a positive environment, you should also learn to be more flexible. Due to the pandemic, the typical day in the office has completely shifted as people needed to balance work with their schedules at home. They don’t just sit at their desk for eight hours straight anymore. If you’ve already begun to transition back into the workplace, maintain flexibility and allow them freedom with the scheduling. You’ll find that people will become happier and more productive when they get to work around their lives and routines.

Change How You Value Success

Everyone works differently, which means you can’t measure success with a one-size-fits-all model. Don’t judge your employees based on how much profit they bring you. They need to know that you see them as people, not numbers, and find value in the quality of their work. It would also help if you considered changing how you give feedback. Utilize reviews as an opportunity to check in with each other and gauge happiness levels, as it opens up channels of communication and creates a thriving work culture.

Nearly everyone struggles with their mental health, especially during a global crisis like Covid-19. It is your job as the employer to understand and mitigate potential workplace stress as best you can. The success of your business is inherently linked to your staff’s state of mind. Improving your employees’ mental health will benefit you all, as feeling comfortable can increase productivity and creativity.

5 Signs You’re a Workaholic: And How to Fix It

Are you a workaholic? Contrary to popular belief, there’s more to being a workaholic than simply staying late at the office. It happens when you’ve developed an unhealthy obsession with your job, to the point that your entire sense of self is based on it. This can hurt your relationships, mental health, and overall prospects for your career.

Many workaholics don’t realize they have a problem. You may consider your attitude toward work to be perfectly normal. That’s partly because our society has championed workaholism as a sign of virtue! But in the long run, it’s far better to develop a good balance between work and your other endeavors.

If you’d like to break free of this cycle, read on to learn the 5 main signs that you’re a workaholic.

5. You Pride Yourself On The Number Of Hours You Log

In our society, we’re obsessed with numbers. We look to them as a sign of objective truth. If you think of your job in terms of hours logged, you may be equating more hours with harder work… especially if you’re regularly working overtime.

Don’t fall into the trap of overworking just to feel valued. There is no shame in working a basic 40 hour week and enjoying your time off! In fact, several studies have shown that people who work fewer hours per week are actually more productive. They have time to recharge their brains and spend time on enriching activities such as family time and hobbies, which promotes their overall mental health. Pulling long hours just leads to burnout.

4. You Glamorize Hard Work

In a culture where hard work is equated with success, it’s easy to feel like work is the best use of your time. You may even derive your sense of self worth from your work … and look down on “laziness.” This approach may seem noble and lucrative. Working hard sets you apart from the people who just float through life, right?

It’s important to abandon this classist idea and stop associating back breaking work with good values. You can have a great work ethic and still take time for yourself. Remember, the world’s most successful people work smarter, not harder.

3. You Feel Ashamed When You’re Not Working

Ever feel guilty for taking some time to relax? Are you constantly checking work emails while you’re supposed to be on a break? Workaholics often feel like all their time has to be productive. So, they end up squeezing work into every waking hour.

Not only is this stressful, but it’s also hurting your productivity. Without time to rest and recharge, your brain gets fried, and that means you’ll end up getting less done. So be kind to yourself and take a true break in which you unplug and do something fun!

2. You Connect Everything To Work In Some Way

Our culture considers work to be the main source of our identity. We label people by their professions. In the media, we see successful, wealthy people and hear the phrase “hard work” associated with them. By contrast, people with low income are considered lazy or directionless. While there’s nothing wrong with considering your job a core part of your identity, it shouldn’t make up your entire identity.

Workaholics tend to equate themselves and their worth with their jobs. They are constantly looking for ways to affirm their identity through work. They’ve completely fallen for the idea that our job is our sole defining characteristic. So, they don’t allow themselves to do anything that doesn’t tie into that in some way. Going out for drinks? Make it a networking opportunity. Need to run errands? Better call those prospects while on the road. The cycle never ends.

1. Your Family And Friends Say You’re Absent Or Distant

Workaholics tend to get so preoccupied with work that they neglect social relationships. If you know more about what’s going on in your coworker’s life than your spouse’s, it’s time to rethink your priorities.

After all, overfocusing on your work isn’t just a matter of spending lots of time on it. Most of your mental energy is going toward that as well. How can you truly show up for your loved ones if your mind is stuck at work? Working endless hours is draining, and if you can’t turn off the switch when the workday is done, you’re not able to give your full attention to your family and friends. That’s not fair to them or you.

Wrapping Up: How to Stop Being A Workaholic

As with any addiction, the first step toward treatment is to know you have a problem. Hopefully, this blog has helped you do that. Next, start unlearning the ideas that your identity and success are wholly dependent on your work. You don’t need to pull long hours to be worthy! Finally, start teaching yourself to unplug. Draw a clear line between work and the rest of your life. This may mean turning off notifications once 5 p.m. rolls around, refusing to work on the weekends, or declining that happy hour invite from coworkers.

Remember, workaholism leads to burnout and low productivity. And in the long run, you’ll end up dissatisfied with your job and frustrated that it is your sole source of fulfillment. Take the steps now to break the workaholic trend. You’ll be happier and more productive in the long run.

Bi-Weekly Resource Roundup Volume 6

Hi Flocksy fam!

On the East Coast we’ve been lucking out with some warm weather! It’s been a nice sign that the summer months are on the horizon. I hope you’ve also been able to get outside and enjoy the season’s change wherever you are.

Sam Ryan
… and the rest of Team Flocksy!

Featured team member design of the month:

Here is a label design mockup created for a client by Flocksy team member Sunardi. We think its pretty cool! All custom illustrations/brand designs/marketing materials on Flocksy are created completely from scratch by one of our extremely talented graphic design creatives. Start a graphic design project today and see results in just hours!

Improving Customer Satisfaction And Why It’s Essential To Your Business

by Flocksy writer Matt Gladstone
Customer satisfaction revolves around making sure your customers appreciate your efforts and feel appreciated by your company…   continue

Turn Your Business Idea Into A Career

by Flocksy writer Laurie J Gettings
   Here are some steps you can use to make your own dream of owning a small business come true. continue

Should You Choose A Facebook Page Or Group For Your Business?

 by Flocksy writer Rachel Wayne
  If you’ve spent any time on the platform, you’ve seen content on business profiles, aka pages, and in Facebook groups. But which option is better for your business?   continue

Utilizing Google Trends To Enhance Marketing Content

by Flocksy writer Matt Gladstone
Google has a tool which helps you create better and more favorable content more easily, called Google Trends. This tool is great for keeping your content fresh and up to the minute. It also contains many features to check on competition and enhance your existing your content. Here are five ways you can use Google Trends in your favor.   continue 

The 7 Risks All Small Business Owners Need To Be Aware Of

Every business exists in a world of risks. As a small business owner, you face certain risks that are specific to owning a small business. Knowing how to handle those risks is key to directing your small business to success.

Here’s a look at some of the most common risks associated with owning a small business and a few things you can do to mitigate those risks.

Damages To Property

Accidents happen to the best of us. Some accidents are small, like accidentally bumping into someone when you turn a corner. But some accidents can cost your business money, especially when the accident leads to damage to your property. For example, if you spill coffee on your computer, you suddenly have to budget hundreds, even thousands, of dollars to get a new one.

One way to minimize the impact of damage to your property is with a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP). This is a type of insurance that basically combines general liability insurance with property insurance. It will protect your furniture, equipment, and tools that you need to keep your business going.

Customer & Counter Party Risks

Sadly, there are times that customers or suppliers won’t hold up their end of the bargain. They will back out of deals or refuse to pay you or suddenly disappear when it’s time to get your supplies. While this is a fact of doing business, you can reduce your customer and counterparty risks by being scrupulous about who you do business with. The more you can reduce your risks by doing your due diligence about suppliers and vendors, the less of an impact this risk will have.

Running Out Of Cash

To keep your business running, you need enough cash to reach the milestones you need to hit to attract new investors to your business. It’s a critical question to ask: how much cash do you have? As money is moving in and out of your business, that will determine your business’s ability to grow.

Without enough cash, many businesses take on debt. While this might be an easy short-term solution, it won’t help you in the long run. Instead, if you find yourself struggling with your cash flow, look for ways to bring more cash in. Whether that’s new products or services or finding ways to monetize other areas of your business, improving your cash flow into the business is the first step.

Having The Wrong Team

Being strategic about who you bring into your business is crucial. Without the right team, you won’t have the help you need to take your business to the next level. Using your execution power to know what positions are needed to ultimately bring your products and services to market will make the most difference.

Make sure that during the hiring process, you are finding people with the hard skills that you don’t have. They will need to execute ideas and carry your business through the commercialization phase so it’s imperative that they understand where your business is and where you see it going in the future.


Cybercrime is a fact of owning a business in today’s market. If you’re accepting credit cards, digital payment types, or keeping confidential customer information, you’re at risk of experiencing a cybercrime. To protect yourself against hacking and other forms of cybercrime, you need Cyber Securities Insurance.

With Cyber Securities Insurance, potential cybercrime against your business will be prevented, detected, and mitigated. Cyber Securities Insurance covers your privacy, data, and network exposure. If you are doing business online, it’s worth the investment. It also provides you with immediate, long-term support in the form of data breach response, data recovery, and coverage for losses from business interruptions.

Injury & Illness

As the owner of a small business, it likely feels like you can’t take a break, even in the event you get sick or injured. In a way, that’s true. Since you’re the driving force behind the success of your business. To protect yourself and your business in case you personally get injured or sick, you need business insurance.

Included in your Business Owner’s Policy, there should be some contingencies to cover the loss of time and wages should you be injured or sick. Other than that, the best thing you can do is live a healthy lifestyle. Stay current on your routine medical appointments and keep a healthy routine for eating and sleeping. That will be a preventative measure that will benefit multiple areas of your life.

Reputation Risks

In today’s marketplace, reputation means a great deal. Consumers want to shop with companies that align with their values. And as your reputation grows, it can evolve to be an important asset. That being said, just a little bad press could be your downfall. Because negative publicity moves so quickly, it’s important to know the fast and easy ways to manage your company’s reputation.

For this, turn to social media and online review sites. They allow you to directly interact with your customers and address any concerns they might have. When doing so, be professional and authentic in your responses. Customers will pick up on the times you’re being phony. Instead, address any complaints with dignity and respect. It’ll go a long way with your customer base.

5 Steps To Land Your Dream Job Today

Every kid is asked what they want to be when they grow up. Once you’re grown up, it feels like you’re supposed to be established in that dream job. Yet many are finding it difficult to land a position they’ve dreamed about for so long.

Instead of struggling to get into that dream position, try these five tricks that will help you stand out and get noticed in the hiring process.

Don’t Forget To Network

Even if you don’t get the job, every interview you do is a chance to build your network. As important as it is to connect with business owners and hiring managers, it’s also important to connect with the people in your industry that have the job you want.

While there are many ways to make these connections, one of the most effective ways today is through social media. Professional sites like LinkedIn can help you identify the people who hold the same position as the one you want. By talking to them about how they found their way to that position, you can develop a road map to achieving your dreams.

Be Qualified (But Know Your Value)

Education is important. Whether you are looking for an office job, a position as a mechanic, or a spot on a dog grooming team, you need some amount of education. Before you go chasing your dream job, know what qualifications companies are looking for. If you don’t meet those qualifications, identify what you can do to tackle them.

Yes, you need to be qualified. Who wants a surgeon who only watched YouTube videos to learn how to remove your appendix? That being said, education isn’t everything these days. Real-world experience and the quality of that experience are just as important, if not more so to some companies.

As you’re job hunting, remain humble, regardless of your qualifications. You could be the most qualified person in the room, but if you have an attitude of arrogance, chances of you being hired into that dream job are slim.

If you’re just starting out in the field, take any opportunity you can. Even if it’s a temporary place-holder, it’s money coming in and it’s building your real-world experience. Always remember that any progress is good progress toward your goal.

Finally, be realistic with your expectations. You might find your Number One dream job, but if you don’t meet their qualifications, you should be honest with yourself about your chances. It will save you a lot of disappointment in the long run.

Know What You Want

To achieve a goal, you have to know what the destination looks like. By identifying what you want in life personally and professionally, you’ll be able to dream big without being aimless in your endeavors.

Make sure to take into account what your dream job will do to your life. You might want to be an accountant more than anything in the world, but if you have a child, you need to factor in the cost of childcare and the impact of you not being at home during the day. Impacts like this one will be there, regardless of what your dream job is. The secret is learning to accept those things or moving on to another dream.

Take Action

You also won’t go anywhere if you aren’t trying. Get a head-start from your competition by setting alerts for new jobs on your job bulletin. You should also plan on starting early. Even if you’re not quite done with college, you can still apply for the jobs. You might end up in a position you aren’t thrilled with in your dream company. Take it and enjoy the experience.

Set Your Story

The days of anonymity are gone. People are posting all of their personal lives on social media and that collectively tells a story. Be aware of the story you’re telling with your actions and words. And of course, be sure to package yourself creatively, focusing on the good and downplaying the bad.

While these seem like easy solutions, they can have a lasting impact on your health and professional development. By applying every one of these changes, you’ll be able to land that dream job in no time!

Bi-weekly Resource Roundup Volume 5

Hi everyone,

Thanks for your ongoing support! We’re updating our pricing this month, removing the team plan and making it easier to choose an individual service.
You are also going to see a redesigned dashboard for easier navigation, and simpler briefs. We hope you enjoy these updates!

Sam Ryan
… and the rest of Team Flocksy!

Featured team member design of the month:

Here is a custom mascot illustration by our creative Sunardi, for a client. We think it’s pretty cool! All custom illustrations on Flocksy are drawn completely from scratch by one of our extremely talented illustrators. Start an illustration project today and see results in just hours!

Keys To Successful Start-Up Marketing

by Flocksy writer Matt Gladstone
The key to a successful business, including a start-up business, is mastering the art and process of great marketing. If you’ve just started a business or plan to in the future, follow these tips and techniques to perfect your marketing and get a leg up on the competition.   continue

5 Tips For Working From Home When Your Kids Are There Too.

  by Flocksy writer Scarlette Olivier
Whether your kids are also learning from home or you have little tots who are too young from school, it can be extremely challenging to work from home with your kiddos constantly asking you for snacks, telling you they’re bored, or fighting with their siblings… continue    

Tips And Techniques When Using Live Social Media For Your Business  

by Flocksy writer Matt Gladstone
  There’s an art to using live streaming platforms, however, and they work most effectively for companies who know the ins and outs of the process. Here’s a short guide to using live social media streams to enhance you brand attract new customers.  continue

5 Instagram Tips Which Will Help Boost Your Sales

by Flocksy writer Matt Gladstone
Instagram is unique and engaging because it’s primarily a visual platform, allowing you to post pictures about the products and services you sell. Instagram is relatively simple to use but there are some tips and techniques which will help you take your social media game to the next level.  continue