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How To Increase Your Instagram Following


Are you having trouble gaining Instagram followers? Do you want more followers, but just don’t know how to get them? Here are five of the best ways to increase your Instagram following:

1. Create a cohesive, attractive account. Instagram is all about the images, therefore you want your page to look nice. Sure, everyone wants to post “real” stuff, but that’s what Facebook is for, am I right? So if you are looking to increase your following and move past having less than 200, then save that stuff for other social accounts and only post attractive pictures.

2. Don’t try to gain followers through the oh so popular loops. This is a huge turn off and keeps real, authentic followers at bay. You want to create a genuine following, not just people trying to have a high follower count.

3. Be original. Don’t copy and repost all the time. Try to only post your own photos, and especially steer clear of memes. People like to know that what you see is what you get. So make sure you post only your own content, don’t take photos off the internet and post them just so you have a post for the day.

4. Interact is the name of the game. Comment, like, follow, and interact with all of your followers and with new accounts. If someone starts following you it doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to start following them back, but be sure to go and leave a comment and like some of their photos.

5. Finally, remember, a successful account is not measured by how many followers that you have but rather by the interaction that you have from the followers that you DO have. With Instagram’s new algorithm, the more people like and comment on your posts the more they will see them in their feed.

What is Elementor?

Elementor is the new, up and coming, game-changing plugin for WordPress based websites. With its easy drag-and-drop and strong code, it gives you complete control over your site design. And what’s more important, it’s that easy. No bells and whistles, not complicated.

Elementor is the first free, front end plugin. You simply download, open and use. There’s no need for all the complicated code, researching, and/or hiring someone to design your site. With Elementor you can do it all yourself.

Many, many companies are successfully building and using their site with Elementor and seeing incredible results. Literally, everything is now available to you to design your site with a few easy clicks. Adjust widths, changes to a new theme, position content, realign headers, create new pages and then drop into place, it’s all right there. Including specific stylings to fonts, color, size, and images. It also includes with it all the widgets that you could possibly ever need that are all free and instantly available.

And as you make these changes you can see the live preview. No wondering, “how will this turn out?” and that stressful moment of hitting the “save” button on hours of code, only to find your site a disaster.

If you are looking to create and build your own site, Elementor is the way to go. With it, website design has never been easier!

What Is Rebranding?

  • I’ve been reading about how to grow, reach more potential clients (hopefully through social media, like we’ve been encouraging you), and reach your full business potential.

    Someone suggests REBRANDING. What exactly is that though?

    Well, rebranding is an excellent way to give your business a new start. A fresh slate, if you must. It is a marketing strategy in which a new name, symbol, design, logo, or some combination of all of those are used to change an already established brand.

    So basically you take your company and give it a massive face-lift. Like, a big, big one.

    By changing the name, design, etc, you are letting people know that lots of things are changing. People tend to not read information that much, but change your business’ name and I bet they’ll notice!

    This is a great way to do a complete turnaround, and many businesses have successfully done it. Harley-Davidson, Pabst Blue Ribbon, McDonald’s, and Target, to name a few. They all sound that they were companies that either were stuck in a rut, considered unhealthy, cheap, and/or had a bad reputation. With a whole lot of vision, some good marketing, and some rebranding they are now some worldwide known businesses.

    Introducing a new logo, product, or service is also a perfect time to consider switching things up. What better time to change what you’re all about, company vision, or name as when you have a new product?

    So if your company is struggling, consider rebranding, because it may just be for you.



I know I have talked quite a bit about social media in my posts, but there’s so much that social media can do for your business.  As I have said many times, social media is a must for your business, and not only is it great for advertising, but it’s free!

Since starting in 2010 Instagram now has over 150 millions monthly users.

Think about it for a sec. That’s a lot of people,

So you know that Instagram is one of the best places to advertise, but you don’t quite know how to start it and make it work. Well, that’s okay because I’m going to tell you how to make your Instagram business account productive.

One: Set up a business account. Business accounts have things that personal accounts don’t, such as showing your business location, phone number, and email, useful stats.

Two: Get posting. Start thinking up some post material and get busy posting on your account. In order to have a successful Instagram, your account must be active. Post at least two or three times a day, the more the better! Make sure that every post has a good caption and lots of hashtags. Hashtags are the key to getting followers, so make sure they’re good ones.

Three: Interact. In order to gain followers, you must visit other accounts, comment, and like photos. The more you interact, the more you get noticed. When people see you commenting on there post they go to check your page out.

Another huge and very important aspect of Instagram is the Instagram Stories. They show up across the top of the “home page” of your app, and if someone starts following your account they automatically see your stories.

There’s so much you can talk about on the “Insta stories”. Do a day in the life, talk about a sale that’s coming up, and hold a poll to see if your follows like this or that better.

You can also save your stories so people that didn’t get a chance to look at them in the 24 hours can. You can put them in different category and they go at the top of your profile above your photos.

Remember, keep things lively and engaging. You don’t want people losing interest! Be more casual in your stories than you usually are. People love having you talk with them like you are friends and not like you’re trying to just sell a product.

Blog post ideas

One thing we all have a problem with when writing for our blog is we run out of things to talk about. You probably mostly have this problem if you have a business blog. I mean think about it. If you have a personal blog then there is always something to talk about, whether it be a new house that you just bought, a painting you’ve been creating, or baby’s first birthday.

But when you have a business blog it’s not so easy as all that, is it? The answer is no. Not. At. All.

Here are a few easy ideas for you to use when all else fails!

What’s new: Write an update about your business, or a problem that was fixed. Tell everyone about the new addition you made to the business and how it’s working out.

Write something about the business: Tell people about how the business came about, what your mission is, or what the next step is that you plan to take to bring things to the next level. You’ve got to write about the most recent things that are happening, but you can’t forget to tell them a little history too, every once in a while.

Do a story on the owners: A post about the owner is a never fail! Write about what they love and what are their interests are. Talk about why they started the business. Make it a “get to know more about the founders” post. People will love it!

These are always good subjects to use because every now and then it’s nice to change stuff up. That way people want to come back to read more. If you just write the same type of posts day after day interest is quickly lost. Try to do a post like this at least once or twice a month.

Do you need a Social Media team?


  “Do I really need a Social Media Team?”

Every good businessman knows the answer to that question. There are no buts, no what ifs, you need a social media team.

We’ve talked a lot about social media, but we haven’t yet talked about what, or rather WHO you need to make those social media platforms work. When you have a business, in order to make the business run smoothly you need hard-working employees, and yes, also a good social media team. Because, as I have said many times, every good business should use social media to promote their company, and in order to make your social media platforms be productive, every good business needs a social media team.

The number of employees on your social media team can vary by the size of your business. 3-6 is a good amount to start with, and if you feel like you should add more, or your business starts to grow, add a couple more until you find an amount that works for you.

A good team for each should consist of: Two people for blogging, one for Instagram, one for Facebook, and one for Pinterest and Twitter. Now you might be thinking, “ Why two for blogging and only one for Pinterest and Twitter together?” That’s a good question!

When you have a blog for your business you’re going to want to have a couple of people writing blog posts, so you can have at least three blog posts a week, if not more. You can have them work together (one writing, the other editing) or separately.  And you’re probably going to need only one for Pinterest and Twitter because they don’t get as much business coming through. But if either of these social media platforms begins to grow and get more followers don’t hesitate to hire another employee to take one over! When it comes to your social media platforms don’t risk it. More is better, is the rule in this area.

Each employee should have their own social platform making it so that they can spend more time on thinking up new strategies and be devoting more time to that one platform.

You’re also going to want to have an overseer of the team, someone that the others can go to if they need help with something or have a quick question.

One way to get the perfect overseer would be to have one of the people who curate a platform and you seeing taking a strong lead be that person or you could just bring someone in from the outside that specializes in social media. Either way works, you just have to make sure you have someone to oversee things.

Our social media team has helped us a lot, and we believe that yours can too. So get together that awesome social media team that I know you can have and get busy!


Graphic Design

Graphic design is one of the most important aspect in a business.

Why? Well, because when you start a business your website, along with your social media accounts, have to look more than just “okay”. They have to look professional, clean, and, most importantly, speak for your company.

And, well some (very few) of us are good with graphic design most of us are not. That’s where the benefits of having a designer working with you comes in.

Designers will become your best friends when it comes to making your website, social media platforms, and blog look AMAZING. A little unsure about how to make your website look professional? Have an idea about what you want your business’ logo to look like but not sure? That’s where designers come in. They’ll take the vague idea you’ve got for your site and turn it into just what you are looking for.

Graphic design takes your business to the next level. One of the tough parts about graphic design is finding the right designers. And we understand that. Trust me, I know as well as anyone how difficult it can be. Nobody likes to research about the best designers for hours, or waste money working with an artist, only to have them not meet your standards. Well, when you sign up with Flocksy you don’t have to worry about that. Now, before you think I’m crazy let me tell you, it’s true. All you have to do is sign up, fill out a design brief, and get your design! Yup, it’s that simple.

And the quality of your design is only the best.

Now this process only works this way if you sign up with a graphic design business that has one set price for all the work you want done. Otherwise you might have to pay every time you want any (even minor) change done to a design.

You want to have the best of everything for your business, and that includes Graphic Design. Not only do you want (and need!) graphics to promote your business, but you want the best graphic design team you can get.