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How To Write Eye-Catching Headlines

Headlines. That is what first attracts a reader’s attention and draws them in. Not surprisingly, headlines can be a make or break on a piece of writing. While the content can be excellent if the headlines are not noticeable it may be passed by.

Headlines have a few purposes. Not only do they let the readers have a little preview about with the article or post topic is, but they grab a person’s attention. 

How many times has one finds one’s self scroll down a news feed, only to spot a headline and click to read more? A lot, right? Exactly why is that? It’s because the headlines attracted attention. 

The best writers say that you should be spending half the time that it took to write something writing the headlines. That’s how important the headlines are to the success of your work. 

Yes, the quality of the article’s body is important, but the headlines are equally so. 

So, what is the trick to writing headlines that get results? Here are four tips that are sure to make your headlines stellar ones. 

Four tricks to writing fantastic headlines that get results

Make it informative

The best headlines sound like they are experts on the subject. Thye have a tone of authority and confidence. Words such as “maybe”, “possibly”, or “might” don’t belong there. There’s no place for doubt in a headline. 

Make it urgent

Good headlines have a sense of urgency. They motivate the readers to take action and click to read more. Your headlines should give the reader an emotional reaction that promotes them to want to read more. The trick to good headlines is creating instant engagement. 

Make it unique

Don’t make cookie-cutter headlines! Most recent trending articles share the same subject matter so in order to attract attention the headlines have to stand out from the crowd. They should say why readers would want to read YOUR article if they just read something on the same topic. You want your blog post or article to scream exclusivity.

Make it beneficial

Good headlines let the reader know that there’s something in it for them. They offer the reader a “reward” for reading the article. In some cases that may be a special discount, or some bit of information not found elsewhere. If you have something to offer, make sure it’s in the headlines to promote interest. 

Writing good headlines is something that takes practice and a lot of that is going to be trial and error. But it’s well worth it! Good headlines increase your readership and better promote your business. 

Studies show that while 8 out of 10 people will read the headlines, only 2 out of 10 will click to read the rest. That is why good headlines that motivate the reader to continue reading are especially important if you have a business blog, curate content, or post a lot on social media. The goal is to have people actually read what you write, and good headlines can do just that.


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