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A Guide To AI Copywriting

A Guide To AI Copywriting

With the launch of Open AI’s ChatGPT in late 2022, the AI revolution has officially advanced to “writing” content. At this stage, most of us are familiar with the use of AI to engage in basic chats and handle basic customer support functions using a series of pre-programmed responses, but…
Why Google Hates AI, And Why Your Business Needs Flocksy's Amazing Copywriting Services

Why Google Hates AI, And Why Your Business Needs Flocksy's Amazing Copywriting Services

Google’s hard line approach towards content created with AI stems from their goal to impose barriers to spam and have quality content in their search rankings. Sites pushing hundreds of articles a day of low quality content generated by AI will find themselves pushed lower in the search rankings or…
The 10 Best Copywriting Resources For Budding Copywriters

The 10 Best Copywriting Resources For Budding Copywriters

So you want to break into the world of copywriting? Then, read this guide to the 10 best resources for copywriters! These courses are taught by veteran copywriters and packed with templates and tools galore so you can write copy like a pro! Understand how to appeal to your audience…
6 Writing Tips To Help You Write Fast And Professionally

6 Writing Tips To Help You Write Fast And Professionally

A lot of us are often pressed for time. Between multiple projects, family and just…life, it can be difficult to sit down and write some stuff and write it well. You may find yourself fidgety, distracted and anxious with your lack of time to focus on completing your writing tasks.…
How To Proofread To Perfect Your Copywriting Skills

How To Proofread To Perfect Your Copywriting Skills

You’ve spent time crafting the perfect piece of content. You’re happy with it and you send it off. Suddenly you see an error. Every content writer has had this experience. It can send your heart into your throat and make your stomach drop. There’s an easy way to avoid making…
3 Tools You Need To Be A Successful Writer

3 Tools You Need To Be A Successful Writer

Have you ever been on a fishing trip? If so, you know that it requires a lot of preparation. You need to make sure you have the right rods, bait, and gear, just to start. There’s another component of fishing that doesn’t get as much attention: the mental aspect. You…
Advice For Any Beginning Writer (Of Any Age!)

Advice For Any Beginning Writer (Of Any Age!)

So you’ve decided you want to be a writer. You’ve chosen a difficult career path, but one that can be extremely rewarding. There are so many different types of writers, including: marketers, journalists, fiction writers, nonfiction writers, and others. But right now, as you’re just beginning, you might not want…
What to Do When You Have Creative Block

What to Do When You Have Creative Block

Creativity happens best when the brain is calm, focused, and motivated.Stress and anxiety can harm creative flow, so be sure to take care of your mental and physical needs.The best way to stimulate creativity is to engage in reflective, rewarding activities. As a creative person, you’ve probably enjoyed the state…
How To Write Effective Web Copy

How To Write Effective Web Copy

Digital communications have transformed the world in many different ways. One of the most profound effects digital technologies have had is on the way people view work and the value of content. Online material is getting more valuable every day and there are many around the country who go into…
How To Write An Effective Business Blog

How To Write An Effective Business Blog

Businesses nowadays are looking for every competitive advantage to expand their reach and attract new customers to their offerings. There are many digital marketing methods which work to accomplish these goals, but one of the most popular and cost effective is the business blog. Business blogs are a simple and…
How to Write Better Headlines

How to Write Better Headlines

Content generation has certainly hit its stride over the last several years. The race to create great content has seen the creation of hundreds of thousands of articles every year, but the art of writing the headlines for these articles has seemingly been lost. There are many principles and foundations…
How You Can Turn Your Writing Into A Real Income

How You Can Turn Your Writing Into A Real Income

Despite what you may have heard, there is real money to be made for professional writers in today’s job market.Content holds a crucial role in the digital marketing process, which means a high demand for those with the skill, dedication, and love for writing.Here’s what you should know if you’re…
What's The Difference Between Blogging and Copywriting ?

What's The Difference Between Blogging and Copywriting ?

Blogs have proliferated in both personal spheres and the business world over the last few years. But what’s the difference between writing content in a blog and writing content in the form of copywriting? The short answer: a blogger shares personal insights and opinions while a copywriter tries to persuade…
How To Become A Successful Copywriter

How To Become A Successful Copywriter

Many people today are shunning traditional jobs to work from home or join a creative company. Copywriting has become one of the largest jobs in the country, as the internet has opened the floodgates for calls for content. Thousands of employees and sites are competing for clicks and views, and…
Concise Writing: 4 Ways to Create Reader Friendly Content

Concise Writing: 4 Ways to Create Reader Friendly Content

Wordy writing will lose your reader.Writing concisely will get your talent noticed.Break down your last piece using these writing tips. Think about the last article or blog post you read. Did it have unnecessary words? Overly formal language and word choices? Huge paragraphs and blocks of text? Was it a…
Five Tips for Business Writing

Five Tips for Business Writing

Writing about business and business topics can often be a dry, tedious experience – but it doesn’t have to be. There are many ways to make business books – both historical accounts and motivational booklets – read like some of the most engaging and thought-provoking pieces of literature out there…
How to Write Good Copy, The Copywriting Process

How to Write Good Copy, The Copywriting Process

There are many different ways and techniques to write quality copy. Though the minutia of the writing process can be tough to read and process, there are a number of steps crucial to create professional, well written copy for your readers and clients. This article will detail some typical steps…
How To Write Improve Your Copywriting Skills

How To Write Improve Your Copywriting Skills

No one wants to be bad at their job, and most of us actually want to be better than we currently are. When you work in a creative field like copywriting, you have to balance the art and the skill. There’s a lot of technical knowledge that goes into copywriting:…
How Self-Indulgent Writing Could Be Turning Off Your Audience

How Self-Indulgent Writing Could Be Turning Off Your Audience

There exists a fine line between writing that is personal and insightful, and that which crosses into self-indulgent territory.Many writers struggle to achieve a healthy balance between being open and over sharing.Luckily, there is a straight-forward approach to stripping your text of unnecessary information that distracts your reader. As writers,…
How to Stay Productive When You Work All Day at A Desk

How to Stay Productive When You Work All Day at A Desk

You might have been used to sitting down at a desk all day when you worked in an office or co-working space, for instance. Routine breaks, like walking across the building to go to the bathroom or chatting with a friend, were naturally built into your schedule. Now, in the…
How to Capture Your Audience with Stellar Content

How to Capture Your Audience with Stellar Content

Finding your voice through the written word can be a challenge, yet once found in the world of creating content, the rewards far outweigh the obstacles. Herein, we examine the essentials on how to capture your audience–and hopefully–keep them engaged throughout the world of copywriting. It’s not for the faint…
How to Improve Your Work-from-Home Lifestyle

How to Improve Your Work-from-Home Lifestyle

Many people are spending more time working from home, and it looks like it’s going to stay that way for the foreseeable future. Working from home can create challenges. If you live in a small space, how do you separate your work area from your relaxation area? If you have…
How To Effectively Edit Your Copywriting

How To Effectively Edit Your Copywriting

There are several ways to edit.There are several perspectives on editing.These creative editing methods will help you catch major and minor errors. Even the best of us make typos and grammatical errors at times. Whether you’re writing quickly and getting “corrections” from your text editor or just miss a beat…
Copywriting: More Important Than You Would Think

Copywriting: More Important Than You Would Think

Why good copywriting is so importantHow copywriting can make or break a businessHow to use copywriting in branding and advertising to the best advantage Humans have been processing information through words since the dawn of time and are likely to continue doing so forever. Words have the power of evoking…
How to Write More Quickly and Efficiently

How to Write More Quickly and Efficiently

To write efficiently, create a plan of action, including a desired angle, key points, and takeaway, before diving in.Never multitask while writing. Instead, get into a state of flow.Be willing to cut and edit your work, but wait until after your first draft is done. Whether you’re working under a…
The Best Tools for Writing Eye-Catching Copy

The Best Tools for Writing Eye-Catching Copy

Copywriting has been a major industry for as long as humans could write. So why do we have such trouble writing copy that hooks our readers? We personally have not been writing for centuries. If you’ve been working on copy for that long, you’re immortal and don’t need any of…
Clean Up Your Credibility With These Writing Tips

Clean Up Your Credibility With These Writing Tips

Use an apostrophe to show possession the right way.A little bit of Latin never hurt anyone: i.e. vs. e.g.You could have, but you never could of. Writing seems to flow out of some people while others need a little bit of tugging and pulling to get their thoughts out. When…
When Yellow Isn’t Yellow

When Yellow Isn’t Yellow

Language is a fascinating thing to think about. In today’s world, we have words for most of the concepts, thoughts, things, and events that we encounter in our day-to-day life. And if we don’t have a word, we can just make one up or adopt one from another language and…
Write Great Copy with These Copywriting Do’s and Don’ts

Write Great Copy with These Copywriting Do’s and Don’ts

 Copywriting establishes a relationshipFocus on your specific target marketTry out different techniques with your target market Think of the last company website you visited. There were likely several pages that incorporated text, either to sell a product or explain the benefits of a service. Every company at some point needs…
The Key to Creating Captivating Content

The Key to Creating Captivating Content

To win your audience’s loyalty, focus on more than just grabbing their attention.  Leverage storytelling techniques to make an emotional impact on your customers. Use a strong CTA to guide your reader to take action. Content marketing is commonly touted as a way to garner traffic to your website. After…
How To Nail Your Copywriting Pieces

How To Nail Your Copywriting Pieces

Copywriting is more relevant than ever. The landing page is one of the spaces that takes the most ruthless editing in the online space. People have limited time and millions of pages to browse. You’ve got to make things worth their while. When you start your copywriting project, consider these…
The Psychology Behind Rich Copywriting Skills

The Psychology Behind Rich Copywriting Skills

Trying to be persuasive on paper isn’t easy for the average writer delving into a new talent such as copywriting. The tough part is overcoming insecurities and lack of creative confidence. The overall goal is to craft content that zooms in and registers on the reader’s brainwave that says ‘yes,…
The Top 5 Words that Work for Better Marketing and Sales

The Top 5 Words that Work for Better Marketing and Sales

Copywriting is a challenging, interesting art form: You often have limited space in which to sell something big. You have to instantly hook the reader’s attention and tap into one of their deep-seated needs and desires. And you have to capture the brand’s core promise and voice at the same…
Easy Ways to Spice Up Your Website’s Copy

Easy Ways to Spice Up Your Website’s Copy

It’s a problem encountered throughout the internet. Copy that doesn’t engage, doesn’t excite, doesn’t encourage visitors to do more than click and leave. How many products and services are out there that are being underused because a website doesn’t adequately convey how amazing it is? Well your website doesn’t have…
6 Tips to Become an Amazing Copywriter

6 Tips to Become an Amazing Copywriter

Copywriting isn’t just writing copy — it’s leveraging the power of words to convince someone to make a purchase. That means you have to be persuasive, authoritative, detailed, and yet direct and to-the-point. Because copywriting has to strike this delicate balance, it takes practice to become an expert copywriter. You…
How to Write a Headline That Turns Heads

How to Write a Headline That Turns Heads

If you’re reading this article, that means the headline did its job: It convinced you to click. Writing headlines is an art form. Some of the most brilliant pieces of writing in the world go unread if the headline cannot sell the reader on the piece. One might say that…
How To Write Eye-Catching Headlines

How To Write Eye-Catching Headlines

Headlines. That is what first attracts a reader’s attention and draws them in. Not surprisingly, headlines can be a make or break on a piece of writing. While the content can be excellent if the headlines are not noticeable it may be passed by. Headlines have a few purposes. Not…
A Copywriter’s Guide to Copywriting

A Copywriter’s Guide to Copywriting

Copywriting is both broad in scope and narrow in focus. While it can take many forms — ads, brochures, taglines, social media posts — it has one consistent goal: to sell a product or service. That makes copywriting a unique, and sometimes frustrating, form of writing. It differs from writing…
The Ultimate Guide to Copywriting

The Ultimate Guide to Copywriting

Whether you are a copywriter or are looking to hire one, it’s easy to misunderstand the role of this broad art form. How can you use copywriting efficiently when it covers everything from brochures and posters to social media posts and webpages? Make no mistake: Copywriting is done to sell.…