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5 Ways to Start Your Business Out On The Right Foot In 2021

The new year is a time of new beginnings. It’s a chance to close the door on the past and step into the future. The first month of a new year inspires us to start fresh. January is the month of resolutions and changes. Here are 5 ways to take advantage of a new year and a new start.

  • Revisit 2020’s wins and losses
  • Set obtainable goals for 2021
  • Redo and improve
  • Declutter and organize
  • Streamline productivity

Reflect On The Previous Year

Successful businesses build off previous successes and learn from their past mistakes. If you didn’t reach one of your goals for 2020, take a look at why. What held you back? Finances? The right team? Pinpoint the roadblock so you can brainstorm how to overcome it in 2021.

Examine what you did do. Think about this past year and what you accomplished. If you launched a new service or product, how did that go? How could it be better? If you successfully outsourced your marketing and saw an increase in sales, how can you build on that? Perhaps allocate more of your budget to marketing?

Set Achievable 2021 Goals

Once you’ve picked apart the wins and losses of the last year, you can set goals for this year. Don’t get carried away. If you set unreachable goals for your business, you’re setting yourself and your staff up for disappointment. To determine if a goal makes sense for your business, use the SMART mnemonic.

Specific – This is the who, what, when, and where. Who will you utilize to reach this goal?

What do you need to meet this goal? Where will the work for this goal happen?

Measurable – Break large goals into smaller ones. Outline the steps you need to take to reach your end goal, then use them as benchmarks to assess your progress.

Attainable – Can I actually achieve this? Does my business have the resources it needs to reach this goal?

Realistic – You may want to open a storefront, but if rent is sky high in your area, it may not be realistic. Sticking with an online store may be the better option.

Timely – When will you start? When is your deadline?

Revamp Your Business

Whether it’s making a few cosmetic upgrades to your waiting area or redoing your website, January is the time to reinvent. For online businesses, revisit your logo and your tagline. Are they working for your business or is it time for a change?

Clean Out Your Office

Delete unnecessary programs and files from your laptop. Declutter your desk. If your work area typically looks like a tornado came through, set up an organization system that works for you. Your organization system should take into account your personal preferences, your usual workday, and your convenience. Simple is best. If it’s too hard, you won’t keep it up. Then, commit to putting things back where they belong. Not putting items back in their place is counterproductive. When you are unorganized, you waste a lot of time looking for things.

Figure Out How To Up Productivity

The usual workday is 8 hours, but studies show most of us are only productive for 3 hours of those 8. Chatting with co-workers or checking social media are common time drains. From the construction site to the office, there’s always room for improvement. Think about how you can motivate your employees to work harder. What incentives can you give?

How can you make your own workday more efficient? Do you try to do everything yourself? Delegate and outsource what you can, so you can focus on the big picture for your business.

Or do you procrastinate? Many people procrastinate because work routines, even if you love your job, can be monotonous. Try pairing a task you dislike such as paying bills with something you love. If classic metal is your thing, play it while you pay the bills. For the things you dread so much they may never get done, try pairing them with a work task you consistently accomplish. When trying to form a new habit, it helps to pair it with a well established habit.


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