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All About Your Flocksy Virtual Assistant

Learn more about our Virtual Assistant Services and how you can use them to help you complete administrative tasks.

Flocksy’s Virtual Assistants will dedicate a daily block of time to completing the specific tasks you request in your project briefs.

Your Virtual Assistants Can:

  • Complete a simple single-part task per project during a dedicated block of time
    • One hour per day for US-based Virtual Assistants (VAs) 
    • Two hours per day for International-based Virtual Assistants (VAs) 
  • Complete more complex, multi-part tasks if the instruction required to perform the task can be taught by the client and learned by the VA within one session at the start of the project
  • Perform non-specialized general administrative tasks 
  • Assist with a variety of simple projects (simple projects can be completed without industry knowledge, topic-specific education, or extensive research)
  • Work on project briefs as long as the request is made clear in one paragraph or less


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