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Four Ways To Get An Exceptional Logo

A logo is one of the most crucial parts of a business; without a logo a business is nothing. A logo is what will ultimately draw consumers in, give them their first impression of your business and overall decide their first opinion of your brand.

However, the million-dollar question is how you know that you have a good logo. Is it a matter of opinion or is there a science to it? Well, we’ll share a few thoughts on this below and, although there is no magical recipe to getting the perfect logo, we can help you by giving you a few tips to having a good one.


K.I.S.S – Keep it Simple, Stupid. The K.I.S.S approach has worked for thousands of brands and there’s a good reason for it too. Simple logos are memorable and leave an impression. Oftentimes designers will try to overcompensate and overcomplicate designs when in reality it’s better to just stick with simple.


Although it’s okay to gather inspiration from other designs, directly copying a design is plagiarism. Your logo should be original, simple and unique while still grabbing people’s attention. You also want to ensure that your customers won’t confuse your brands with others; you want to make sure that your logo is distinctive and stands out. Trust us when we tell you that it will be more then worth it if you take the time to create a unique logo instead of directly imitating someone else’s.


People remember brands. Whether or not you love Mcdonalds, you’ll still be able to recognize their logo from miles away and their brand has left an impression on thousands of Americans across the U.S. People should remember your brand and it should leave an impression on them.

Your Story.

The number one mistake that businesses make is assuming that their logo is nothing more than mere design. Your logo is so much more; it’s your story and your journey. A simple and minimalistic logo is capable of telling a story and showing customers your business’s journey.

In Conclusion

Overall, your logo is one of the most important pieces of your company. It stands for who you are, what you do and where your business comes from. You want to ensure that your logo is nothing but perfect. Using the ways above you can certainly be off to a good start with getting a modern, stylish logo that represents your brand.


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