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How Flocksy Works

How to Set Up Domain Masking for Your Website

How to Set Up Domain Masking for Your Website

Are you interested in utilizing Flocksy’s creative services, but would rather not have users knowing to what website they are being directed? This is called, “Domain Name Masking” and, simply put, it allows you to show one URL in the browser’s address bar, while another website’s (such as Flocksy’s) content…
Revolutionizing Creativity: Flocksy's AI Integration Unleashes the Power of Smart Marketing Solutions!

Revolutionizing Creativity: Flocksy's AI Integration Unleashes the Power of Smart Marketing Solutions!

In the fast-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead requires a commitment to cutting-edge technology. At Flocksy, we understand the pivotal role that Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays in driving efficiency and innovation. We seamlessly integrate AI into our operations to enhance the capabilities of our graphic design, copywriting, video editing,…
Flocksy's User Permissions

Flocksy's User Permissions

Here at Flocksy, we’re all about streamlining the creative process and getting your results quicker. To that end, Flocksy has useful user permissions to make running your projects even smoother. Here’s what the user permissions entail: Manage All Projects: With this, the user can complete the same actions as the…
Available Project Categories & Subcategories

Available Project Categories & Subcategories

Here are all of the available project categories and subcategories on Flocksy.com. If you have any further questions, you can always reach out through our contact form or give us a call! We’re here to help. The Flat-Rate Copywriting Team Our Copywriting Team is your group of expert writers who…
Do You Love Flocksy? Leave Us A Review!

Do You Love Flocksy? Leave Us A Review!

At Flocksy, we strive to provide top-notch services for all of our clients. From international agencies to start-ups and everyone in between, we thrive on dedicating individual attention and care to each account and user. Your feedback is like gold to us—it helps us understand what we’re doing right and…
Brand Buckets And How To Use Them

Brand Buckets And How To Use Them

When you submit a project request, you’ll be prompted to fill out information about the task. Before doing this, though, you should upload files to your brand bucket. Doing so helps ensure that the creatives have the information that they need to successfully complete your project. What is a brand…
How Does Inviting Team Members Work?

How Does Inviting Team Members Work?

Once you’ve established your creative brief and begun setting up your project request in Flocksy, you’ll see a section that asks you to invite team members. If you’ve already formed your creative team, these people will auto-populate this section. But what happens after you send those invites? Let’s take a…
How Your Team Is Formed

How Your Team Is Formed

Once you have a few creatives whose work you like and who have gotten to know your brand, you’ll have the option to invite them to work on your projects. You’ll find those team members when creating your project in the second step. Once the project reaches your current queue,…
How to Leave Feedback For Your Creative

How to Leave Feedback For Your Creative

Now that your creative project has been posted on Flocksy, you can sit back and await great results. But when the team member added to your project sends over a draft or proof, you might find yourself facing a difficult question: What do you do if you don’t like the…
How To Write a Project Brief

How To Write a Project Brief

To request your first creative project on Flocksy, you’ll need to fill out a project brief. Doing so ensures that the creatives who are added to your project will have the information and assets they need to deliver what you want. Here’s how to go through our project request process,…