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How To Create A Winning Logo Design

  • A company logo represents the entire business and holds the potential to make or break its chances of success.
  • While it’s important to think outside of the box, there are certain guidelines to creating a winning logo design every time.
  • All successful logos are unique in their own way, but they share a common thread of the following attributes.

A logo is probably the single most important design element when it comes to determining a company’s chances of success, a fact that is surely not lost on any designer. Yet, there is no shortage of generic, poorly thought out logos out there, which actually detract from the brands they represent and make them appear unprofessional and untrustworthy.

So how do you avoid having your logo design fall into this category, and ensure a winning design? Let’s take a look at some best practices that are common in all successful logos.

Aim For Timeless Design

The design world is in a constant flux of revolving trends, making it tempting to jump onboard and create according to the latest styles. But the same trend that makes these designs feel new and fresh now, is the same thing that will make them look dated and corny in the very next moment.

If you want to design a truly successful logo, make sure you choose a design that will stand the test of time and still be relevant and effective regardless of changing fads. Staying away from ultra-trendy designs will also ensure your logo doesn’t look exactly the same as every competitor’s.

Be Picky With Typefaces

A common pitfall for many failed logos is an inappropriate typeface. There are many reasons why a font can be wrong for a logo design, starting from its legibility and spanning to whether its personality and feel match that of the company. It’s up to you, as the designer, to ruthlessly cut through the wrong choices in search of a typeface that matches the aesthetic and personality of the brand it represents.

When it comes to combining multiple fonts, stick with the “less is more” rule and keep it to a maximum of two typefaces. Anything more risks making your design look unprofessional.

Hold The Color For Last

It’s true, that color can be a powerful component of any logo design, but to get it right, you should start your process in black and white until the last stages of design. This gives you a chance to develop a strong core design that will look good on any scale.

Taking this time also give you a chance to consider your choices in accordance to the psychology of color, and incorporate hues that will work with your design to evoke an emotional response from your audience.

Err On The Side Of Simplicity

It can be well argued that simplicity is at the heart of any great design, but this is especially true when it comes to logos. When you think of any memorable logo design, chances are what comes to mind is a simple, straightforward image, not some elaborate assortment. There is a reason why logos like Nike, Adidas, Apple, and Target have changed so little, and are so synonymous with their brands.

A logo needs to speak clearly and instantaneously to its viewers, so that there’s never a single doubt about its meaning. An overly complicated design not only detracts form its beauty, but also the effectiveness of the logo.

Always Create Original Work

Though this should go without saying, it is very important that each logo is derived from an original design and not borrowed from another source. Plagiarizing another logo will not only fail to differentiate your brand from another, but it will also build negative attention and reputation around the company as well as you, the designer.

The entire goal behind a logo is to make a company stand out for its unique personality and purpose. This can only be done by crafting a design that revolves entirely around those unique attributes. Anything less will likely get lumped in with the sea of other generic designs, defeating its own purpose.

Final Thoughts

Designing a logo is an incredibly important process, which holds the potential to make or break a company’s chances at success. As a designer, you should therefore aim to create original and timeless work that clearly communicates the message and feel of its brand.

When in doubt, keep it simple and be extra selective when it comes to the kind of typefaces and colors you choose to include in your design


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