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Why You Should Not DIY Your Own Business Logo

  • A professional graphic designer will be knowledgeable about the how and why behind logo design.
  • DIYing your business logo may be tricky because you may have difficulty being objective, you may not have the right software or experience necessary.
  • Outsourcing the design of your logo may be a better use of your time as a business owner.

Branding can feel like a money pit at times. Having to hire professionals for every little thing can be discouraging when operating on the limited budget of a small business. But while the logos of many successful companies may seem simple enough, there is more to a business logo than what meets the eye.

If you’ve got some graphic design experience you’ll already know a bit about what it takes to create a logo that embodies the essence of your business, and you might have a good shot at creating a great logo for your business. But is it the best use of your time? Are there compelling reasons to hire out this seemingly simple, but also crucial task?

Whether you are starting a new business or rebranding an old, it can be oh so tempting to cut some corners and save a few dollars by doing it yourself. After all, that’s how a lot of entrepreneurs start their businesses, by doing it all. But as nice as it would be to cut logo design out of your budget without a second thought, there are some good reasons you might not want to DIY your business logo.

It Might Look Unprofessional

It isn’t hard to spot an amateur logo, even if you can’t exactly put your finger on what it is. Common pitfalls among amateur logo designers are creating logos that are too busy, too similar to competitors’ logos, or poorly formatted. A good graphic designer will know how important it is to make sure a logo has clean lines and correct formatting, and they’ll have the training and experience necessary to bring your vision from a sketch to a full blown logo concept.

You May Not Have The Required Experience

Perhaps the professional logos you’ve seen look like they’d be pretty easy to put together, but that’s because you only see the finished result. The things you subconsciously pick up on when seeing a well-designed logo are things put there on purpose. There’s a lot more behind the choices of colors, the imagery, and the fonts, that an unskilled eye doesn’t necessarily pick up on.

Your customers don’t see these hidden ideas behind color choice and symbolism either, but they do respond to them. So while you may be able to create a good logo yourself, it’s worth thinking about hiring it out. A professional graphic designer will know how to project what your company is all about and use it to inspire potential customers to trust you with their business.

You Might Be Too Close

Another pitfall about designing your own logo is that you might be too close to your business to look at it objectively. As a person who has put their money, time, and hard work into a business, it can be difficult to take a step back to see your business logo from an outsider’s perspective.

You are looking at your business logo as someone who knows exactly what your business is all about, who could rattle off seven reasons customers should trust you, even in your sleep. It’s not impossible to view your logo objectively, but a good graphic designer might make the job a lot easier.

You May Be Too Emotionally Attached

Creating a great logo for your own business may also be tricky when a logo idea you love isn’t quite right for your business. Business owners sometimes have ideas for a logo or company name that is very personal to them. It can be helpful to work with a graphic designer that while willing to give your idea a try, will also be able to come up with alternatives you might end up loving just as much as your initial idea.

It May Not Be Adaptable

Another thing about your logo is that you’ll need it to be everywhere. You need a logo that is scalable, which means that it must be easy to read when it’s in a tiny version on a business card and still look clear when blown up on a billboard. A professional graphic designer will be able to easily create a logo that will look good both on a business card and a billboard, and at every size in between

It’s Not Your Job

As a business owner, your main job is running your company. There’s a chance that spending the money for a graphic designer to do your logo will free up your time so that you can keep growing your company. There are jobs within your company that only you can do, and designing logos probably isn’t vital to running your company. Sometimes delegating tasks to free up your own time is the best thing you can do for your bottom line.

Wrapping Up

Your business logo is one of the most important pieces of your business branding. A good logo will attract customers and make you look like a professional business worthy of their trust and money. You might save good money by DIYing your logo, but it’s not always worth it.


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